If you don’t have Ginger Essential Oil from Young Living, you should get it today. Ginger root has been used for centuries in almost every culture. It cures upset stomachs, increases stamina and performance, helps with pain relief, and is used as a natural tonic. Here is why Ginger Essential Oil is SO awesome!
Stamina and Performance
Whether you are dragging at the end of the day or running a half marathon, Ginger Essential Oil can help. Either diffuse it or make a room spray mist with Ginger Essential Oil. It will put a little bit more pep in your step and help you to have more energy to meet that deadline. It is also a sexual stimulant and has been is used an aphrodisiac in many cultures.
Upset Stomach
Drinking Ginger Ale when you have an upset stomach is popular for a reason. Ginger fights off nausea whether from being pregnant or from eating something you shouldn’t. Did you drink a wee bit too much last night? Add one drop of Ginger Essential Oil to 32 oz of water to combat an upset stomach. Before a flight or going on a boat diffuse 10 drops of Ginger Essential Oil and breathe in deeply. It is also great to have in your bag and breathe in whenever if you are suddenly nauseous. Adding it to coconut oil and making a roll-on is also a great way to keep this powerful essential oil by your side.
Muscle Reliever
Make a massage oil with Ginger Essential Oil and a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba. Add 8-10 drops of the Ginger Essential Oil to two tablespoons of the carrier oil and mix together well. Massage this into muscles that are tight, sore, or painful to get them back to recovering more quickly. The Ginger Essential Oil helps to increase circulation and blood flow which then decreases pain. If you have all over body pain, add just a few drops of Ginger Essential Oil to a hot bath that you’ve also added one cup of Epsom salt too.
Are you ready to purchase some of these awesome oils! You can purchase high quality Young Living Essential Oils (my favorite brand!) over here or you can read about how to get a wholesale discount and the potential to earn FREE essential oils. Read all my past posts on how I use Essential Oils.