Bargain Briana was mentioned on the NBC Dallas area news last night. Very exciting! You can read about it on If you are new here, please check out New Year, New Grocery Budget on some great tips to get started. Enter my current giveaways for a chance to win some fabulous prizes and stick around for this week’s CVS & Walgreens deals – which will be posted shortly. You will also want to check out the other blogs mentioned for more fabulous money saving tips:
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Oh wow. My blog was mentioned but wrong URL. Woe.
Oh well, it looks like somebody had bought the URL anyway…
Thanks for blogging about it. I have no clue about these things :)
Patricia @ From Wags To Richess last blog post..the walgreens deals for week of feb. 1st
Congratulations on being mentioned on the Dallas news.
I don’t think i can EVER go back to not using coupons! There are times when we are so busy I don’t have time to shop and won’t go for 3-4 weeks and buy a few items without a coupon but for the most part I can’t stand not using one!
Hi there
The news segment last night is driving me to get back into couponing!!! I used to be a serious couponer when I was a sahm, but since being back in the workforce fulltime for over a year….I got lazy and eventually stopped gathering coupons and hence stopped using coupons :-(
Thanks for starting this place!
I hope to post some hot hidden coupon deals asap!
That’s awesome! I think it’s so great when the news media catches on to what all us awesome mommies are doing! :)
$ Money Savin’ Momma $s last blog post..Get $10 free from QVC! (totally free stuff from QVC)