I’m very excited to be offering an exclusive deal for the best savings to the Indianapolis Star. Save money with the weekly coupon inserts with this amazing offer. Get the Thursday & Sunday Indianapolis Star for just $4.35 a month for six months. This is 54% off news stand price!
If you are a couponer, you will easily get your $4.35 back with coupon savings each month! Indianapolis Star has the largest selection on the Smart Source insert in our region along with the P&G Insert, GM Inserts, and others! Note: The Sunday paper no longer includes the Red Plum insert.
You can see what coupons you have missed by checking out the past week’s coupons in the Coupon Database. You can see the complete 2011 Sunday Coupon Insert Schedule. Home delivery of these coupons sounds nice, right?
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- This offer is valid for new subscribers only.
- Offer expires 12/30/2011.
- Valid in the Indianapolis Star’s nine county metro region.
- Not valid with any other offer.
What does it go to afterwards?
The Daily Journal in Franklin (Johnson County) has BOTH Smart Source and Red Plum coupons. :)
Shannon, Go to this link, type in your zip code, and see if the deal pops up. http://www.discountednewspapers.com/index.html
If Red Plums are not included any more. How do I get one?
Does anyone know what the 9 counties are that qualify for this deal??