Recently, BargainBriana was featured in the Indianapolis Star Newspaper. Briana shared her couponing experiences, tips, and strategies with our fellow Hoosiers. Unfortunately, a few comments were made in the direction that implied that coupons could only be used for unhealthy food products. While this may appear to be so, I’d like to argue that you can indeed coupon while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As with diet, exercise, and any habit or hobby (i.e. couponing) the most benefital terms to be learned and implemented are: moderation and self-discipline.
Moderation is defined “Being within reasonable limits; not excessive or extreme” ( Saving money should be complimentary to your overall health and wellness. This means as a hobby or a necessity couponing should not interfere with your chosen lifestyle. If health and fitness are a priority to you, then you can simply choose deals and coupons that also are in balance with your diet and exercise plans. Overall, you must decide to practice these healthy habits and lifestyle choices. The body craves a wide variety of food. As long as the food is prepared correctly, containing essential vitamins and minerals, and contributing to our wide variety of cravings then anything eaten within moderation is actually good for you both mentally and physically.
Self-Discipline is defined “acting according to what you think instead of how you feel in the moment” ( Couponers have the self-discipline to cut their coupons, organize their lists, shop around for the best price, and even wait for sales. They must also have the self-discipline to choose healthier items, spend your extra savings on produce, practice moderation, and choose to exercise. Easier said than done, self-discipline is a behavior that sometimes needs changed, updated, re-evaluated, or even discontinued.
So, in my opinion, healthy couponing can be achieved alongside several other wellness-promoting daily lifestyle decisions.
Try This!
- Shape Magazine: Go Healthy Extreme Couponing with 7 Online Coupons
- Cheap, Healthy, Good: Eating Healthy While Clipping Coupons- The Do’s and Don’ts
- MoneySavingSecretsBlog: Healthy Couponing
Get Fit Deals:
- Amazon: EFX Silicone Sport Bracelet
Save up to 60%
- Champion: All Sports Bras and Fitness Bottoms– B1g1 50% Off
- 20% Off Sports & Fitness and Weight Management w Coupon Code: SHAPE (expires 8/29/11)
Another healthy deal this week is that Walgreens has Special K protein bars 2/$10 with a $5 RR, making them $2.50 each. This is amazing, as they normally cost $5.34 each when I buy them at Target. (They are $7 something each normally at Wags.) I also had a $1/2 coupon so they ended up being $2 for me.