I can’t imagine having my family’s every move documented on television. I don’t think I could handle the pressure! This is just what the Gosselin family has chosen to do. They allow us to take a peek into their entertaining and chaotic life.
Jon & Kate Plus 8: Season 4 was just realized on DVD this past May 5th. This 23 episode, 3 DVD set is a perfect way to get caught up on the latest season of a fun and entertaining multiples family.
This is the most requested DVD in our house from the two littlest ones. They love watching this family because they enjoy watching these kids their age do things they love to do.
I have THREE copies of this DVD to giveaway to 3 lucky readers!
How to Win?
Easy Entry: Reality shows have to have dynamic characters to be entertaining. Who in your household would be the “star” of your family’s reality show. Make sure to tell me WHY!
Bonus entries (Up to 4 additional entries):
- Comment on my full review: Jon & Kate Plus 8: Season 4
- Blog about this giveaway.
- Grab my button. (It is on my sidebar)
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- Digg, Technorati, Twitter, Stumble, etc. If you twitter, be sure to include me (@bargainbriana) in the twitter so it see it.
Leave a separate comment for each extra entry. It is very important that you leave a separate comment for each additional extra entry.
Ends around 5/22/09 at 11:59 EST. (As long as you can still comment you can enter!) Winner, chosen by random.org, will be announced on the Giveaway Winners Page by 05/23/2009 and I will contact you shortly. (If winner doesn’t respond to my email within 48 hours, I will pick another winner.)
Want to win more? Enter to win the rest of my current giveaways!
I would be the “star” of our reality show. I am always up to or getting in trouble. :-D
Frances Frugal Fairhopes last blog post..Target Deal on Softsoap
My almost 4-year old daughter, the dramatic girly girl, would be the star, for sure!
My hubby, because you never know what each day is gonna be like.
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Oh that is easy…..my daughter would be the star of the show. She’s our only child, so she’s definitely the one everyone would want to watch – the cutest by far!
A Frugal Friends last blog post..May – Upromise Coupons
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My mother in-law would be the star of our show. She is very paranoid, dramatic, and over the top. She would make for good entertainment.
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I commented on your Jon and Kate dvd review!
It’s just me and my husband, so we would both be the stars! We are newlyweds, so I guess it would revolve around that! BUT married couples and reality shows don’t have a good track record as far as divorce goes, so I think we’ll stay off of TV! :)
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In our family my daughter would be the most dramatic character. She is a teenager, do I really need to say anything more :-) She is just like any other person, she has her good moments, her bad moments and then her whiney moments, of course! She is also very humorous and usually right on que!
My almost 3 year old would be te star, he is crazy and always saying and doing funny things!
Stumbled (aitmama).
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My preschooler would be the star – knows everything, always speaks her mind, sings, draws, and tells imaginary stories.
The cat. A furry ball of character he is. Love Jon and Kate. The recent events are kind of sad though. I am kind of worried for the sake of the kids.
I would. haha. everyone else in the family is not as lively as me so yeah…good tv!
email subscriber
My youngest daughter(13) because she is just so silly sometimes she doesn’t mean to be but it just turns out that way
Our dog would be the star. She is by far the cutest and loves to play
My sister is the star in our home. And we told her she makes a great comedian.Even if your in a bad mood she will make you laugh and forget about how in a bad mood you were.And she’s 10 years old.
My 4-year-old, Ethan, would definitely be the star of the show. He is very creative and imaginative. I never know what he is going to do or say!
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My husband defintely-He spent 10 years hitchhiking cross country and has so many great stories to tell
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My fiance would definitely be the “Star” of my family reality show. He has the personality and the “I don’t care whether you like me or not” attitude that I think you would need to have to be the star of a reality show. Definitely would not be me. Thank you for the entry.
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My 14 year old daughter would be the star. What a sense of humor…and the drama that goes on with her friends…could be a soap opera. Thanks!
My almost 4 year old, Maverick, would be the star of our reality show. He is such the character. Just the other day I was telling him he couldn’t do something because it was only for adults; he calmly replied to me that he is a little adult so it would be okay.
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The star would be my 5 year old granddaughter. Since she moved in she has been quite entertaining. She can dance,she can sing and she can talk,talk,talk! Thank you!
oh my goodness…def my husband…he is overly outspoken and loves to push people with his intelligence….a very dynamic personality! Terribly entertaining though ;)
candaces last blog post..I Have Just Entered Coupon Clipping Hell!
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The start around our house it definately our toddler Ellie! Life all revolves around her anyway, so our show might as well too! plus she is the funniest, cutest person in our little family! Love Jon & Kate plus 8!!
Christy Carpenters last blog post..Oklahoma was more than OK!!
Definitely my little toddler because she is full of sass and says the funniest things! :)
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My two year old would totally be the star of the show. She is two-going-on-sixteen, and she’s hilarious. She frequently picks up anything that even remotely resembles a microphone, stands on anything she manage, and starts belting out “And NOW it’s TIME for THE AVA SHOW!” and then proceeds to entertain us with music and dancing.
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Kim Sorensens last blog post..Happy Birthday Nouri
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The star would def be Sage, our 9 month old, shes already a drama queen. We also call her Pit Bull, since she “crawl runs” chasing all of us and trying to “attack”. She is def Star material
Kim Sorensens last blog post..Happy Birthday Nouri
The star of ours would definitely be my 2-year-old daughter Ava. She has such a dynamic personality and always keeps us laughing!
Loras last blog post..Menu Plan Monday – 5/11/09
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My husband would be the star because he is so funny!
My son who is 3 because he is hilarious and NEVER stops talking or describing what he is doing. We know! We’re standing here! :)
My oldest son who just turned 4 would be my drama reality star. He always has to have the full on attention of the entire family and if he doesn’t get his way, Our family would be a perfect candidate for the Nanny 911 show :)
The star would definately be my one year old daughter. she’s only one but she’s a star in our house. listening to her make up words. she makes us laugh by doing the silliest things.
the star would be my dog Domino! She is such a ham! She is endlessly entertaining and is always up to something!
My kids love watching all the kids on the show too. I love that it’s entertaining for us all.
Rajees last blog post..My Favorite Blogs
My youngest daughter would be the star of our reality show. She is almost six and does the craziest things all the time. There is never a dull moment in our house.
My 3 1/2 year old son would be the star. He is the center of attention in our whole extended family & the comedy show for us all.
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Jen beggss last blog post..Project 365 March 8-14 and a surprise!
My daughter hannah, is 4, and she’s very dramatic! She uses lines from her movies in real life context, like “Now, let me get this straight!” (from Lion King) with hand motions and voice inflection. She also can turn from laughing to whining in a second. go from standing still to tripping over nothing on the ground, and she makes up this imaginary life of brothers and horses and farms and such. She’s very entertaining!
Jen beggss last blog post..Project 365 March 8-14 and a surprise!
My whole family seems to thrive on drama, there’s always some huge saga going on, I always think of it as a reality show.. :P
I love the show, thanks for the entry!
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My 5 yr old son would be the star of our show. He’s always doing something unusual…that most kids wouldn’t even think of doing! Like climbing up window sills and getting stuck on shelves that are 6 ft off of the ground…he’s a hoot! He keeps our family laughing with all of his antics:) We never know what he’s gonna come up with next…
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Our 3 year old daughter. She knows how to get attention. lol
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My 11 year old son, Matt would have to be the star. He would do anything for a laugh and is not easily embarrassed. He’d walk around with his underwear on his head for a laugh!!
and I am also a subscriber via email, thanks so much.
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I’d be the main character, the one who keeps everything running! But my son would have to be the star as he is 4 and yesterday he said “thank you so much for buying us a lovely house” – we’ve lived here 3 yrs and it isn’t even that lovley at the moment, but that’s how he is………a little star.
We only have the one little one, but she is a bit of a character and right at the terrible twos! She’d steal the show for sure! I can only imagine having cameras around during melt-downs and mummy and daddy pulling out their hair!!
At our house it would definitely be my daughter Becca and her troop of animals. Becca is both medically fragile and has autism and she is full of all sort of entertaining moments. She also tries to rule our house with her concrete rule abiding structure.
We watch the Gosseleins, and it is Becca’s most favorite show.
Annys last blog post..Ad Previews–5/10
The star would be my brother. He is funny and loves to be the center of attention!
The dog—cuz he’s funny and cute……with crazy antics that make a person giggle—
Me! I am the crazy one of the family. Reality show lovers love crazy people!
I think my pups would be the stars. Not only are they cute they love to show off their tricks.
Jessicas last blog post..Swimmi Winner Announced!!
Commented on the full review :)
Julie Neffs last blog post..This moment in time: 2 1/2
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Julie Neffs last blog post..This moment in time: 2 1/2
My son Emery would be the star for sure. He is such an active child, always running, jumping, singing and dancing, and throwing the occasional tantrum too!
Julie Neffs last blog post..This moment in time: 2 1/2
I think my daughter b/c she has such a strong personality in her young age.
Email subscriber!
The “star” of the my family’s reality show would have to be my dad. Why? Because he has such a great personality, he’s a great speaker, and he is so wise. :)
My adorable 7 year old niece would be the star of our Family REality show.
She has is all, Drama, Comedy,Drama, Adorable, Drama,Cute, Drama, She is fun to be around even when doing her best impression of a Drama Queen.
She loves to videotape herself with the digital camera. She recently spend 15 minutes doing a video about her teeth. She counted them, brushed them… It is top quality…
Thanks for the chance.
itsjustmerene2003 at yahoo dot com
Maureens last blog post..Kiddo Stories…
I’m not sure this will count but my Mom loves the show so here goes. My husband and I are extremely camera shy, but our 2 Chihuahuas, baby and Cobra, would definitely be the stars of the show! They LOVE to have their pictures taken, and even “pose” occasionally when we need to take a picture of them for family or our blog. We could just be biased, though…
Kristins last blog post..Coupon List for North Alabama 5/10/09
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My middle daughter would be the reality star. She is our drama queen and has a quick wit and humor and likes to be the center of attention.
My husband would be the star of our Reality show. He is a military medic and always has stories to tell. He is also severely ADHD and I’m sure watchers would love to see what he loses next! (so far 2 sets of keys!)
Danas last blog post..Staulker??
Our dog Franklin would steal the show… he’d probably also literally steal the cameras, lighting equipment, and anything else brought into the house in order to produce a reality show!
My daughter would be the star because she is almost three and thinks that every planet in the universe revolves around her. Who else is there? This is just a stage, right?!
I am grabbing your button. It’s going on my MySpace.
I read your review. I hope to get a copy of season 4 after I watch season 3. You have a great job!!
I blogged about it here:
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I think that my husband would be the “star” of our reality show. He always has some major life changing event going on! haha, I call him the “drama Queen” of the house, lol.
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Rachael Coes last blog post..CVS Deals 5/10 – 5/16
My almost 3 year old drama queen daughter would definitely be the star of our reality show. She can go from quoting bible verses and playing sweetly with her little brother, to squealing and throwing the most royal tantrum you’ve ever seen in under about 6 seconds!!! :)
Mistys last blog post..Happy Mothers Day
Review Comment: My kids love watching all the kids on the show too. I love that it’s entertaining for us all.
My daughter would definitely be the star. She is such a dynamic little person that anyone else would be overshadowed. :-) She is only 16 months old but quite the character.
Thanks for the great giveaway.
Rachael Coes last blog post..CVS Deals 5/10 – 5/16
Email subscriber
Our youngest daughter is our reality star. She is only 4 years old and has many characters that she performs each day. She is witty, smart and a bit sassy (in a good way!). That equals fun and laughs for us!
Our son, Adam who is 15 would be the hit on our reality show. He always make us laugh, is real socialable and the timing of his dry humor comments is right on target. People are drawn to him. He is definitely a people person.
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