Sears and Kmart have recently launched a new loyalty rewards program called Shop Your Way Rewards. This new loyalty program is very exciting and works at purchased made at Sears and Kmart in stores and online.
Use your Shop Your Way Rewards card with your purchases to earn a minimum of 1% back on your qualifying purchases. You will also be eligible for additional bonus offers, and no receipt required returns. You will also qualify for the Kmart K’Ching Suprises from now until 1/30/2010 when you scan your membership card during checkout at participating Kmart stores.
If you are a Kmart or Sears shopper, make sure you are signed up so you are can start earning!
YOu need to contact Kmart or Sears. Thanks!
Can anyone explain why I can’t register my card? I received the card a few weeks ago while in a Sears hardware store, and haven’t done anything with it, in store or online. Nor have I made any purchases from Sears, K-Mart, Land’s End, etc. since receiving it.
I attempted to register the card today. I entered the membership number, the email address (where I am already receiving SYWR emails), and zip code… but when I put in a password, it tells me it is invalid. As stated, I have not used the card, logged in online, or done anything at all associated with this card. I have not created a password for it already.
I attempted to recover/reset the password by clicking on the ‘forgot password’ link. I input the same email address again, and receive a message saying there is no record of a registered customer with that email.
I cannot register the card because of some unknown password issue. I cannot create nor change the password. I receive no error message involving the membership number or email address, only the password. There is no requirement on what the password must contain, but I have tried letters only, with and without caps, numbers, special symbols, more and less than 8 characters, the pin number of the card, and none of it works.
Is there some advice on how to fix this?
I have no clue how Sears/Kmart Shop Your Way Rewards got my personal and private mobile phone number, but they did, and sent a text that I’d signed up for this rewards program. This is an outright invasion of privacy and not appreciated. I haven’t signed up for anything, anywhere online that opted me into receiving this time of SPAM. I don’t even shop at Sears/Kmart.
I have never heard about a “Sears preferred card” but Sears does have a Sears rewards card. Both Kmart and Sears rewards cards can be used at each store. Customers can use Sears rewards cards at Kmart and vise versa as well as Land’s End.
For every dollar you spend at any of these stores, you earn ten points. Ten points is equivalent as one cent. There are some special offers that allow you to earn more. The points you earn expire a year after you earn them, if not redeemed.
Lets say that on 01/01/2010 you earned 1000 points and on 01/02/2010 you earned 2000 points, on 01/01/2011, 1000 points would be deducted from your rewards IF you did not redeem 1000 points prior to 01/01/2011, leaving you with 2000 points PLUS however many points you earned after 01/02/2010
$1=10pts $10=100pts $100=1000pts … and so on….
10pts=1c 100pts=10c 1000pts=$1 ….. and so on….
To redeem the points you have earned, you have to have the card with you OR you have to know the pin number for the rewards card. You only have to know the pin # if you used your phone # or email to look up the card. The pin number is in the back of the card, under the “please scratch off” message.
If you have misplaced the rewards card and dont know the pin number, the simplest way to redeem you points is to get a new card at any of these stores. Then, call the number on the back of the card and the representative can transfer the points from the lost card to the newly issued one. Associates at these stores cannot transfer funds from one card to another. This can only be done over the phone.
Cashiers can tell you the balance on the rewards card by performing a “price check.”
If you used your rewards card, your balance will print out toward the bottom of the receipt.
If you and your cashier forgot to use your rewards card, you can call the number on the back of the card and use the SIMPLE (simple to the common folk) automated system OR use the rewards website.
On the website, you have to register your card. To register, click on the link that says “Register your account.” This link can be found on the right side of the page in the “Member sign in” section. Once registered and logged in, click on the “Request Points Credit” link located on the left side of the page, under the “Help” section. From there, it is SELF EXPLANATORY (self explanatory to the common folk).
The simplest way to sign up for a rewards card is to get it from any physical store. To enroll, the store associate has to collect some information along with EITHER a valid email address OR a mobile phone number. There will be offers sent to the provided one, so choose wisely (receiving emails is less annoying than receiving text messages).
Aside from earning points, your rewards card works SOME WHAT like a receipt (as long as the rewards card was used for the purchase and the return is within the time frame compliant to store policy). If the item is eligible for a refund, the customer will be given a gift card with the AMOUNT THAT YOU PAID plus tax, if applicable. The original type of tender CANNOT be given. Most stores WILL NOT do refunds without a receipt. So, it is a wise idea to USE YOUR REWARDS CARDS in order to receive store credit if you lose your receipt.
I would like to thank k-mart for my new rewards card I use it a lot at your South parkersburg W V store. Now that Wlamart do not have a layaway program any more I needed up back a k-mart laying thing that I not only need for myself but to help with my Christmas time to. I also shop k-mart because you have 2 guys who works in electronic that is every friendly and very helpful to what ever needs and questions I might have these two guys makes myself and my sister want to shop. I don’t know the guys last names but the one is named Ron and I think the other one name is Jason or some thing like that I know he is a young guy but both are very friendly as I said and if k-mart every let these 2 guys go I will stop shopping your store. I like Ron because he jokes with me and I to him and NOT meaning what we say to each other it makes me coming back. Thank you K-mart Jackie Davis 304-834-1916
I gotta go along with the other posts on this one. This program is not very well thought out. A Kmart clerk gave me a card but no real explanation. I read the back, came to this site but there is no where to register and what if any benets there are. I also have a Sears Preferred customer card but anytime I have shown it to an employee at Sears, they have no idea what it is. I don’t see any responses to anyone’s questions either. I guess we all want to know what’s up?
There are many benefits to the rewards card. This following site explains them all.
It is free. I am very familiar with this program, so if you have any questions, you can always ask me.
i lost my rewards card and have been calling your toll free number and i am put on hold and listen to music and never talk to a person i would like a new card please.
Every time I call I usually only wait about 2 minutes. If you know the pin number from the lost card, you can still redeem your points.
If you have misplaced the rewards card and dont know the pin number, the simplest way to redeem you points is to get a new card at any store. Then, calling the number (unfortunately) on the back of the card and the representative can transfer the points from the lost card to the newly issued one. For security purposes, Associates at physical stores cannot transfer funds from one card to another. This can only be done over the phone.
i am signed up for shop your way rewards,please do not send text messages as i do not wish to recieve thease on my phone ,
Sears Holdings Company uses the rewards program as a benefit to the customer as well as a marketing technique. As you may know, there are many benefits. Text messages from stores are VERY ANNOYING. I suggest taking your rewards card to one of these stores and telling an associate (preferably a cashier) to perform an EDIT PROFILE on your card in order to remove your phone number from the rewards system. If you remove the number you WILL NEED to provide a valid email address. Spam is less annoying than text messages. The benefit to providing your email address is that you have the OPTION to have your RECEIPTS EMAILED to you. This is a big advantage when you buy replacement plans for certain products or when you lose your receipt and need to return an item.
Sears sales on diamond rings
I have been trying for over 2 weeks to register my card on line and have not been able to do so. What is going on? One site says join and then gives a log in – but no place to register. Please reply. The card is no good to me if I can’t register.
On the website, you have to register your card. To register, click on the link that says “Register your account.” This link can be found on the right side of the page in the “Member sign in” section.
Went to Kmart and was not asked to get the rewards card and then an employee told me about it and that I could add my purchases to it, how do we do that?? Help…
Purchases made prior to the date of enrollment CANNOT be added to the rewards card.
After enrolling, iff you and your cashier forgot to use your rewards card, you can call the number on the back of the card and use the SIMPLE (simple to the common folk) automated system OR use the rewards website.
On the website, you have to register your card. To register, click on the link that says “Register your account.” This link can be found on the right side of the page in the “Member sign in” section. Once registered and logged in, click on the “Request Points Credit” link located on the left side of the page, under the “Help” section. From there, it is SELF EXPLANATORY (self explanatory to the common folk).
I’m unable to access my rewards card on line. Would like to know how to find out my points.
Thank you
If you used your rewards card, your balance will print out toward the bottom of the receipt.
Cashiers can tell you the balance on the rewards card by performing a “price check.”
went shoppingat kmart last friday was not asked if i wanted to use my rewards card employee told me could go on line and add purchase to rewards card but can not figure out how to do it or where to begin please help thanks
If you and your cashier forgot to use your rewards card, you can call the number on the back of the card and use the SIMPLE (simple to the common folk) automated system OR use the rewards website.
On the website, you have to register your card. To register, click on the link that says “Register your account.” This link can be found on the right side of the page in the “Member sign in” section. Once registered and logged in, click on the “Request Points Credit” link located on the left side of the page, under the “Help” section. From there, it is SELF EXPLANATORY (self explanatory to the common folk).
The phone automated system is easier
To home it may concern ,
I have a question I just purchased 52″ tv and I would like to know if I may collect my rewordsd for that purchased
If you and your cashier forgot to use your rewards card, you can call the number on the back of the card and use the SIMPLE (simple to the common folk) automated system OR use the rewards website.
On the website, you have to register your card. To register, click on the link that says “Register your account.” This link can be found on the right side of the page in the “Member sign in” section. Once registered and logged in, click on the “Request Points Credit” link located on the left side of the page, under the “Help” section. From there, it is SELF EXPLANATORY (self explanatory to the common folk).