How would you like to win your school a $75,000 to transform their high school and a $25,000 cash prize to keep? Sounds good, right?
Famous Footwear has just launched a Facebook contest called “Step It Up For Your School” – a national contest to inspire students to advocate for their high school to be improved. Entrants have a chance to win the $100,000 prize — $75,000 to transform their high school, and a $25,000 cash prize for the winning nominator to keep.
How It Works:
Famous Footwear Facebook fans will be able to vote once each day for their favorite essay. The high school that accumulates the highest number of votes will receive up to $75,000 towards a transformation project. The winner of the essay that receives the most votes will win a cash prize up to $25,000. For each vote cast, Famous Footwear will up $1 to the prize…up to $75,000 for the school donation and $25,000 for the individual cash prize.
The grand prize will be announced in September. You must be 13 years of age or older to participate. Get your whole school involved in this fun contest!
To promote the launch of this contest, Famous Footwear has offered one Bargain Briana reader a pair of Converse shoes. We visited a Famous Footwear store over the weekend and they have a large selection of Converse in many different designs.
I remember the first time Converse shoes were cool…back in the 80s! They are back again and cool for my kids to wear. Is cool even cool to say anymore?
If you are interested in participating in the “Step It Up For Your School” contest, you can visit Famous Footwear’s Facebook page for details on how to nominate their high school to receive a donation of up to $75,000 by writing a 250-word essay explaining how their school would use the funds.
How to Win?
Prize: Pair of Converse shoes from Famous Footwear
You can enter up to 4 times with the following methods:
1. Leave a comment: Did you wear Converse as a kid and/or now?
**If you are reading in an email or a feed reader, you must click over to enter this giveaway. Entries via email are not accepted.
2. Become a Facebook Liker of Bargain Briana and Famous Footwear on Facebook.
3. Tweet the following on Twitter:
Enter to win a pair of Converse Shoes from @bargainbriana
4. Subscribe to my free newsletter via email or RSS. You must confirm your email subscription for it to be a valid entry. If you are already a subscriber, leave a comment letting me know you are already subscribed.
Please leave a comment for each additional entry.
Giveaway ends August 26, 2011 at 3 p.m. EST.
Winner will be chosen by random. Be sure is in your safe sender list as you don’t want to miss the email if you are the chosen winner. If winner doesn’t respond to my email within 48 hours, I will pick another winner. U.S. Entries only.
This giveaway was sponsored by Famous Footwear. Post was written 100% by me and was not edited by the sponsor. Read more on my Disclosure Policy.
Want to win more? Enter to win the rest of my current giveaways!
I am an email subscriber.
I’ve not yet worn Converse shoes , but I’d love to start now!
RSS feed subscriber.
I like Bargain Briana and Famous Footwear on Facebook.
They are actually what I wear 99% of the time now! I’m flat-footed so they are so perfect for me.
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I subscribe to your emails!
Yes, I did wear converse as a kid!
I sent a tweet:!/savingforfamily/status/106769839481298944
I didn’t wear converse as a kid or now
No, I never had a pair of Converse shoes.
rss through google reader
Nope — I probably wore fake converse.
I’m an email subscriber, coriwestphal at msn dot com.
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I like both on Facebook: Cori Eckstrom Westphal (
coriwestphal at msn dot com
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I did wear them! And I actually just bought my daughter her first pair! Oh the nostalgia!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
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Tweeted the following on twitter (:!/MoniqueBon
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Facebook: Monique Bon
I wear it every year (: I love converse! I’ve been wearing it since middle school
rss subscriber
mearley1979 at gmail dot com
mearley1979 at gmail dot com
like bargain briana and famous footwear on fb
mearley1979 at gmail dot com
I wasn’t cool enough to wear Converse as a kid!
mearley1979 at gmail dot com
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I wear them now!
I subscribe by email.
I like Bargain Briana & Famous Footwear on Facebook. (Deanna Cali)
I’ve never worn Converse shoes.
I already like Bargain Briana and Famous Footwear on Facebook. Thanks
I did wear them as a kid. I still have a pair I wear now. Yellow high tops–love them!
Email Subscriber!
I like both pages on Facebook (Betsy Hoff)
I loved Converse as a kid! I would ove to win this and get my daughter a pair!
Converse’s ROCK! I had them in high school and now my son wears them!
I subscribed to the newsletter!
Echo Dannelle
I tweeted here:!/echodannelle/status/104771690113933314
Echo Dannelle
I’m a fan of Bargain Briana and Famous Footware on Facebook.
Echo Dannelle
I wear Converse now!
Echo Dannelle
i’m a fan of bargain briana and famous footwear on fb.
i tweeted the giveaway! :)
i subscribe via email :)
i definitely wore converse when i was younger. they were the coolest!
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I like Bargain Brianna and Famous Footwear on Facebook!
I used to wear converse but I no longer do, but am planning on buying a pair soon!
I tweeted the giveaway (moeyshay).
I subscribe to your newsletter via RSS.
I’ve never owned a pair of Converse.
Oops, FB fan of both and I get your emails.
I wore them – with the laces un-tied of course. How cool was I? :) I need a pair for my hubby and would love to win. Thanks for the giveaway Converse and Briana !!
i didn’t, but i would like to
Opps! I meant to say I like you “and” FF on fb!
I also subscribe via e-mail!
I like you on FF on fb!
I did wear them and just got another pair 2 weeks ago! Slip on kind! Sooo cute and comfy!
follow and tweet:!/cistran/status/104070505803423745
FB fan of both (trung nguyen)
email subscriber
I don’t wear Converse now, but would like to try them out.
i subscribe to your rss
i will never forget my favorite kelly green hightops :-)
Already an email subscriber
I like you and Famous Footwear on FB
I wore converse as a kid.!/berryblndgirl/status/104002955094667265
I subscribe to your free newsletter via email.
Facebook Liker of Bargain Briana and Famous Footwear.
I wore converse as a kid.
I am also an email subscriber.
I wore converse as a teen and now as an adult I still occasionally wear them.
I follow you on Facebook “Carrie Margaret Gold O’Brien” and get your daily emails
I wore them then and wear them now!!!
Subscribed via email
Follow Famous Footwer on FB.
Follow you on FB!
I did not wear mom would not buy them, however I wear them now and my kids do too!
I am an email subscriber/follower.
I have never worn them but would love to!
I subscribe via rss.
I never wore them but I sure remember ’em!
email subscriber
i did not wear converse as a kid
I like you & converse on FB!
This Hoosier gal has never worn Converse in her life! Can you believe that?!?
I didn’t wear Converse.
I wore converse!
I wore orange converse to match my ballgown for senior prom! LOL
I follow you on Facebook.
I never wore converse.
I subscribe to your emails.
I didn’t wear converse, but my kids live in then!
I am an email subscriber
I had some awesome yellow converse as a kid. So stylish. :)
I wore them then and still do
I tweeted!
I like you & Famous Footwear on FB!
I wore a black pair in 8th grade! And my daughter just picked out a pair for school :)
Email subscriber of yours.
Facebook Liker of Bargain Briana and Famous Footwear on Facebook.
Subscribe to your emails
Liker of Bargain Briana and Famous Footwear on Facebook.
I wore baby blue converse when I was in school!
I’m a Facebook Liker of Bargain Briana and Famous Footwear on Facebook.
I used to wear Converse as a kid. Now my kids have several pairs of Converse.