This is one of the many giveaways during 15 Days of Holiday Giveaways at Bargain Briana!
On December 8, Bill Me Later is hosting “Toy Tuesday”. Visit to find great deals on the holiday’s most wanted toys and gifts from leading retailers such as Toys “R” Us,, Step 2, Little Tikes, eToys,, FAO Schwarz, HP,, MacMall, Mercantila and more.
As part of the Toy Tuesday campaign, sponsored by Bill Me Later, I’m sharing some of my favorite gadgets along with a chance for you to win a $250 Hewlett Packard gift card for yourself and a $500 gift card for a local charity.
Gadgets, gadgets, and more gadgets! Kids of all ages love gadgets!
One of the top gadgets high on my list is the iPod Touch. Not only can you listen to music but you can play games, organize your life, search the web, train with the Nike + System, and much more with the thousands of apps available. Starting at $169.99 for a 8GB second generation iPod Touch, this gift is gift that multi-tasks.
Next on my hot list, is the Nintendo DSi. The new Nintendo DSi is offering much more than previous versions of the popular hand held game system. You can snap photos with the built in camera, send to friends, play music, record your own voice, or browse the internet. Oh, and did I mention, you can actually play games. The Nintendo DSi also allows you to download DSi apps.
The Flip Camcorder is so easy any child can use. Ask my daughter, who was videotaped in the van by her 8 year old brother. That’s all I’m going to say about that. The Flip Camcorder makes is a snap to take high quality videos while being small enough to fit in a pocket or purse easily. You can quickly upload and edit the videos using the supplied software.
For the budding photographer, the Fuji Film Fine Pix is a thin point and shoot camera. It also comes in fun colors like purple, pink, orange, and more. Plus, there is no lens cap to lose. This is a great pocket camera.
Now that you have a fine camera to take pictures with, you will want a quality printer to print out those photos – like the HP Photosmart Premium All in One. Use this printer to scan your child’s art work with the touch of a button as well. This printer packs a punch with quite a few green features – such as the ability to only print the portion you want of a web page, paper sensing back with the Energy Start certification.
Tis the season to be a savvy shopper. On Toy Tuesday, December 8, 2009, Bill Me Later will host some of the hottest deals on the web from retailers such as Toys ‘R Us, FAO Schwartz, eToys,, Little Tikes, Overstock, HP, MacMall, and more.
What is Bill Me Later? At some time or another when you are shopping online, you’ve noticed a Bill Me Later option. Bill Me Later is a convenient and secure way to pay on the web or over the phone. Bill Me Later allows users to pay without using a credit card. Instead, at checkout, you simply provide your birthday and the last four digits of your social security number, accept the terms, and your purchase is complete.
So are you ready to win a $250 Hewlett Packard Gift card as well as a $500 gift card for charity?
Here’s How: Simply leave a comment on this post with a gadget that is high on your holiday list for giving or receiving and make sure you leave a valid email address in the comment form.
RULES: Open to US residents. One entry per person and there will be (1) one winner! This is a one day giveaway, expiring tonight, 12/06/2009 at 11:59 pm EST. The winner will be chosen by Bill Me Later and will be announced tomorrow 12/7/2009 at 1 pm, EST on See official rules for details.
Make sure to visit Lovin’ It Lovin’ It tomorrow for another a chance at another $250 gift card.
Bargain Briana Disclosure: I wrote this post while participating in the Toy Tuesday campaign by Bill Me Later. I received a gift certificate to thank me for my participation. In addition, Bill Me Later is providing the giveaway prizes.
A Flip Camcorder and an iPod Touch are at the top of my ‘gadget’ list…and BTW, I’ve used Bill Me Later many times in the past. LOVE this option, as they have come in quite handy-especially in an emergency.
I’m finally caving in and getting an iPhone
An iPhone is at the top of my list – a laptop too.
My little one is learning how to use a computer. I would love to get him one of his own. He’s 3.
A Wii would be really nice to have under the Christmas tree and a Ninentendo DS handheld. Thank you very much! Fingers are a crossed!! LOL
I would love to get the flip camcorder for my 12 year old daughter. Currently, she uses her digital camera to take one minute videos. I know she would love it. Thanks for the opportunity.
The Nintendo Wii is on our holiday list!
A mini netbook, my desktop is about to die and I’ve wanted to go mobile for years. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love a video camera.
We’re in serious need of a new laptop – mine doesn’t hold a charge at all. So much for wireless surfing! :)
Am I too late to enter? I’m loving the flip camera!!!
My boys, who are 3 and 5, really enjoy their Leapsters. I love it because it keeps them busy when we are on the go; and the games are educational.
This year one gadget that is high on our Christmas list is a Nintendo DS for our daughter. Her sister has one so she ‘just has to have one’ as well :)
.-= Amy Oxford´s last blog ..Zoolander – For Reals =-.
My boys (hubby & son) want the Playstation3. Boys!
I want a Nook soooo bad! I love to read and I think a Nook would be the best thing for me. I thought a Kindle would be great too but a friend is getting the Nook so we can share books (awesome!). I would also like to get a new Nintendo DS for my kids. Ours is broken.
I really want a Notebook, it would be nice to have on trips and such
.-= Justine M.´s last blog ..Cloth Diaper Giveaways part 3 =-.
We really need an ipod dock for our family gift this Christmas!
I would love to be able to get an HP laptop for my son and grandsons so that we can better stay in touch with each other. This would be a dream come true.
My techy wish is also for the Flip. I want to record all kinds of fun stuff my 3 littles do on a daily basis. :)
Definitely a laptop!
I would love an Ipod touch for Christmas!
At the top of my list for my Husband is an IPod.
A canon rebel for sure!
I hoping to get a new camera for Christmas!! :)
I really want to get a Netbook this Christmas. Thanks!
I wouldn’t mind a new laptop or a blu-ray!!
The item high on my list is a blu ray player.
.-= Thao´s last blog ..Christmas photo session =-.
I would love an IPod Touch! I always use my husband’s iphone but refuse to give up my Verizon service so I’ll never have an iphone myself (although I’ve been “i”-ing a Droid…). :) So I guess I’d love either an ipod touch or the droid!
I would love an IPod Touch.
.-= Danielle´s last blog ..Picture Me Winner =-.
I would love an HP Touchsmart PC. Thanks
ok i am going to be selfish because i really really reallllllly want a laptop, i have a old desktop that is beyond one more fixing and because of illness cant always get to to use and a laptop would just be like winning the lotto for me! that is what is number one on my wishlist, followed by a second generation ipod, my daughter just got one for her birthday and they are amazing!
Wii FIt. or an itouch. or a laptop. Oh my.
My hubby really wants a netbook!
annemolino at hotmail dot com
The new Gypsy from ProvoCraft is at the top of my list.
My kids are dying for a Wii and if I coule get something for myself, I would love to get an iPhone or Blackberry!
I want the Wii Fit Plus for Christmas. I just had a baby and need to lose some weight.
I’m all about the safe kitchenware this year – giving AND receiving Pampered Chef stoneware. Mmmmm,cookies!
Well, if we’re going for “never going to get it”, I’d go for a laptop with a tetrabite harddrive for all the scrapbooking I need to do.
If you want a “might actually”, I’ve actually been princing a hp printer since ours just died!
I’m dreaming of an iphone christmas :D
A GPS would be a great present for my son.
I would like to have the Kindle DX this holiday.
My son told Santa last night he wants a DS, so that is what we’re looking at for now!
Thanks for the tips and giveaway!
My son REALLY wants a dsi .But we can not afford one right now.He actually asked Santa for one in his letter : 0 ahhh!So if I won I would love a dsi for my son.Thanks .
I want an iPod…Not exactly sure which one I would like, other then the iPod Nano..but I am sure there is a bigger, better one out there that I would like more but I am more familiar with the nano. I would also like a new phone…a touch phone to be exact! Now that would be nice!! A laptop & wireless route for my husband would be nice…so that he has his own computer and will stay off mine! :)
My son wants a really good quality video camera. I have a local charity I would be so happy to see get $500!
.-= witchypoo´s last blog ..Not on the first date =-.
I’d LOVE a new camera. I’ve got my eyes on a Canon or Nikon, but it’s just not in the budget this year.
Thanks for the great site!
The gadget I would love is for my HUSBAND to get a data phone, so he quits stealing mine! =)
.-= QuatroMama´s last blog ..Christmas Caroling: Quad Quartet Style =-.
The gadget I would like is a mini laptop. I would love to have one so small that I can take it in my purse and blog anywhere. :) Thanks for the giveaway.
shannipooh (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love a Nikon Camera!
I’m pretty teched out, but I would love to have the new Peak (with Twitter) since I don’t have Twitter capability on my phone.
I have my eye on the Nikon D90… wishing and hoping!
A new camera… the old one died.
My wishlist includes a smartphone for my husband who is in desparate need of a new phone…new computer would also be right up there :)
I would love to get a Laptop this year. Tired of the old desktop computer.
My gadget this year would be the ZAGGsparq™ World’s Most Powerful Portable Charger!!!!!
I really want one!!
jeffintennessee at gmail dot com
I’m REALLY hoping for a new operating system! If not, then possibly some new software.
I a hoping for a new digital camera this tear!
.-= Anne Y´s last blog ..I can’t even buy a stamp! =-.
I’m searching for a really nice extra small digital camera. My camera is several years old and though it has some great features, it’s huge and is hard to carry in my purse, much less a pocket.
I would love a GPS system! In our family we take a lot of day trips or go places on a whim, a GPS would help tremendously! We also do a lot of freecycling and get stuff on Craigslist to save money, so to be able to find people’s houses better would be great!
I would love an iPod Touch since I am a bone-head and have lost mine. I’m so sad over it, it’s ridiculous. But I loved it & want it back!
punkinmama at gmail dot com
.-= punkinmama´s last blog ..sunday reflection =-.
I would love to get an Ipod touch or update my cell phone. Hope Santa is listening.. I love electronics and this would be great!!
I wanted a Ipod Touch, but then now I decided I need a Laptop. Those are both on my christmas list. Hope Santa brings me one.
A Canon Rebel. I don’t have a camera!
I would love an iPod touch. I have an original with 4 GB and no video. Upgrading would allow me to fit all my music on, plus address book, calendar, and other ‘essentials’ to keep life running a little more smoothly. A flip camera would be great to catch all the things the kids do, without having to lug around my big old bohemoth camera. The grandparents would love more video updates!
I would love to get a new digital camera, the display screen on mine just went out.
Thanks for holding such a nice giveaway!
.-= Bella´s last blog ..Pretty Christmas Decor on a Dollar Store Budget =-.
I would love a laptop computer but I can’t bring myself to buy one!!!!!!!! I have a perfectly good desk top and trying not to spend too much money this holiday season, so winning one would be a blessing.
I would be grateful for anything. Thank you.
I’m finally starting to play “catch up” with the digital age and have been considering a laptop and an iphone. An HP gift card could go a long way in making one of those dreams come true!
brand new printer. with fax and copier. wishing santa would drop one off.
Been watching for good deals on netbooks for the kids as well as digital camera possibly for me!
I would to purchase a Nintendo DSI for my kids.
I would like a new pc or laptop, which ever is cheaper. I’ve been having problems with mine, seeing how I’ve had it for a good 5 years. It’s more of a need because I’ve been taking on line classes and driving those 30 min. to campus is a hassle.
Personally I would say the Nintendo Dsi
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
The top 2 gadgets on our list this year are a Wii and a new computer. We are hoping the Wii will help the whole family with spending some quality time together (family games) and keep us all motivated with exercise thru the long winter. The computer has too many uses for all of us to begin to list. lol
Thanks for the opportunity Bargain Brianna and Bill Me Later!
Merry Christmas!
bbsjourney at yahoo (dot) com
I’ve been wanting an Ipod, since it first came out – but, I can never bring myself to splurge! I would LOVE to win this gift card!
My wishlist is too long! I would love to get a new camera and printer. My husband would love to get a Wii, iPhone, and a new TV! Thanks for the giveaway!!
My husband and I would love I-Phones or a flat screen TV (we still have a big ol’ square box TV).
An IPod Touch is definately high on my list this year, as is the Kindle. I’m also looking at a new digital camera for my sister, who has a new baby due on Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas!
how fun!
My husband wants a flat screen!
My grandson, anything Transformers
The gadgets on my shopping list are a motoblur phone, a Cricut and a Flip Video Camera
.-= Jenn Elton´s last blog ..Grr….Snow =-.
Hubby needs a hand-help GPS to use on the boat!
There are several gadgets on our list this year. A Blu-ray player for hubby, a new computer monitor for me, and a GPS for son.
A 32 GB Ipod Touch would be a great present…You can practically fit a lifetime of music on it with room to spare! :)
I want an ipod touch!
A Wii would be great! Or a DSI.
A GPS – tired of getting lost!
Please Santa bring me a laptop! I’ve been a really good girl! :)
Thanks for the chance…hope I win :o
OH!!! The HP All in One Printer sounded great! I am a first grade teacher and can just imagine how great the kids’ art work would be scanned in and used in our newsletters and notes home! Just the perfect touch.
I’m way behind in the times, I would love a I-Pod for me and my husband. Is it weird we don’t have one yet?
A gadget that is high on our list this year is the new PSPGo. I am really hoping to get this as a surprise for my hubby…and yes, he will share with the kids.
.-= Dana´s last blog Christmas Giveaways =-.
I am giving my husband an ipod for Christmas. He thinks he is just getting an mp3 player.
Our family NEEDS a new digital camera…Mine finally bit the dust and my husband’s has seen one too many sandstorms in Iraq to function properly! I will be trying to take a picture of our 10 month old and it will shut off or the lens protector will shut half way! So frustrating! =) Especially, trying to catch those cute little baby moments!
.-= Taylor´s last blog ..No, we have not fallen of the face of the planet… =-.
A rotating Waffle iron!!!! and if Santa really pulls thru…A new camcorder…ours is now 9 years old, been to the repair shop once and was never the same! I would also like a smaller digital camera for my purse…I have a great camera…but it is big and balky and I don’t always have it with me!
My son just moved out and took my lap top with him. So I have to go to my daughters house to do my work. Lap top definatly at the top of my wish list.
I would love a netbook! Thanks so much for the great giveaway!
me at mookiej dot com
I really need a new computer. Mine is a huge desktop that is sooooooooo old. Also really need a new digital camera. Mine likes to suck batteries dry!
An ipod is high on my list for my teenager and a webcam, for my mom, who is RVing right now! This sounds like an awesome giveaway and I would love to make a donation to a charity for my family as well!
.-= jennifer´s last blog ..Kroger =-.
I would love a new digital SLR camera. A nikon D90…sigh
A laptop and IPod Touch are on the top on the list. Alwasy a nintendo DSI and MP3player.
My kids want it all ~Hope Santa hear them
.-= shawn´s last blog ..The Most Surprising Gift I received =-.
I want a Flip camcorder and I want to get my daughter a netbook.
I would like a new digital camera and or a new all in one printer.
Great giveaway.
Merry Christmas to you.
Top of my list digital SLR camera, that won’t be happening this christmas though. I would also love to be able to get my husband a new laptop. The screen on his is shot. I think he now has 34 lines running vertically through the screen.
Gosh! I would love a new printer/fax/photo …all in one. A laptop would be tremendous but I sure don’t want to be greedy.
This is just a wonderful giveaway. Thanks so very much for doing this.
We would all love a Wii around here. My daughter is convinced she is the only who is lacking one…
I would love a new laptop for Christmas.
A new laptop would be great!
Oh – at the risk of sounding too greedy I will limit my list to a scanner that works, a SLR camera (for me), an ipod touch (for him), and a video camera (to film them)!!!! Whoosh, what a great giveaway!!!!
.-= busymama´s last blog ..Trick or Treat! =-.
I have the Flip on my list. Thanks so much for the chance!
I really want a new camera. I would love to have a small digital camera that I can stick inside my purse. Thanks for the great giveaway!
.-= Sandra S.´s last blog ..Amazon 25 Days of Free Christmas Songs =-.
We would love to get a Wii game system in the house. My wife wants the Wii fit and I want some good sports games. And the baby will just play along.
FOr my husband I would like to get him a flat screen television.
I would love to get a laptop. IT would be so nice to sit on the couch or in bed while reading all the great blogs.
I personally would love a lap top computer but my husband would like a new camera.
We really need a new fax machine (or all in one) and I’d love a GPS system for the car, thanks!
.-= Jill W´s last blog ..Mom Central Holiday Gift Guide and Giveaways! =-.
A new netbook is definitely high on my gadget list. Thanks for the giveaway!
A Kindle or Sony Reader has been at the top of my list for a long time but, alas, it’s still at the top of the list!
My 7 year old son says he’d be thrilled with either a Wii or a laptop, hubby would like a Playstation3 and I would LOVE a new printer, maybe one of those new Epson ones…that would be very nice.
My husband really wants a new iPod this year since his randomly stopped working a few months ago. Since they are a bit pricey, winning this gift card would help pay for one!
My husband wants a new ipod this Christmas. I’m still happy with my OLD pink ipod mini. :)
On my wishlist I would love to have a laptop and a ipod for my girls.
I would love a Laptop! Or at least a new desktop! Mine has had it!
.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Keitha’s Baby Shower =-.
We are so in need of a new video camera. We’re still using one that we got when our first child was born. It records on little tapes (not digital) Needless to say, our children now tease us about our ancient video camera. We’d love to get a new one!! jenmizener at gmail dot com
A new computer for my husband and me – and a DS Lite for our sponsored 12-year-old in a children’s home.
i really want a laptop for my kids and a camcorder for myself !
Here’s my list: I would love a Flip video camera for myself, a laptop for my husband, and an iPod nano for my daughter.
The DSi was on both of my childrens Christmas lists.
Fan4may @ aol dot com.
Wow! What a great giveaway! Gadget on the top of our list this year: an external hard drive. Boring, I know, but our old Mac is getting slower and slower. :) Thanks again!!
The highest thing on my want list right now, electronic and otherwise, is a new 8gig iPod Nano. An orange one. Or maybe a green one. I love how you can now take videos with them! The problem is that my husband really wants an iPod Touch instead, so we keep arguing about it, lol. Here’s hoping I win!
.-= Elizabeth Burr´s last blog ..Important thought of the day: =-.
It would be either a new laptop or camera.
I would love a camcorder! I checked out the Flip one that you mentioned and it seems great!
Hubby and I would both love a really good digital camera but way over our budget unfortunately. The closest we will get to gadget this year is guitar hero for the kids.
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I would love any of those electronic gadgets, but especially the ipod touch, the flip camcorder, or the awesome HP printer. All the items are great!
I would love an Ipod. I’m not 100% sure how it works, but my son said he’ll teach me. It would be wonderful, I love music.
I would love to have an HP laptop.
A laptop for the hubby!
Oh, how I wish Santa would bring me a 160gb iPod Classic!
Barring that, maybe he will be nice and bring my roommate her own printer so she will stop borrowing mine! :)
I’ve got a PS3 on my wishlist. Not gonna get it, but I can dream, can’t I?
.-= Cindy´s last blog ..Kodak Save $110 Giveaway =-.
i really want the HP wireless photosmart printer that has the feature on it so bad.
.-= Brandy´s last blog ..It’s begining to look a lot like Christmas =-.
If you are asking for me I would love an ipod touch. Now if you were asking my 5 year old dd she would say a Wii. That is all she has asked for, for almost the last year. I just hope she is not too disappointed at Santa since he will not be bringing her one. (Her Great Uncle got her one instead.)
I would love love love a laptop! I think a kindle would be neat too.
My son has been asking for a nintendo ds.
Jen VG
I want a PS3,
I really would like a new laptop.
I would love to give my husband Rockband for the Wii!
I would love a DSLR digital camera and an iPod Touch. I am giving a digital photo frame to my mother this year.
I would love a new laptop. My laptop died on me a few days ago and I am still scrambling to get a good deal on a new one.
.-= asithi´s last blog ..Complete Lack of Motivation =-.
I’ll be giving a Wii and an Ipod this year!
I want an IPod Touch!
I would love to get the Olympus waterproof digital camera.
I am wanting a new Nikon Camera. Crossing my fingers!
I would love a new laptop to replace my PC that has a failing motherboard.
I’d also love to have a scanner!
For giving- I’d love to give my parents a new digital camera. They really need it!
I would love to get the Fuji Finepix camera for my 11 yr old nephew. It would make a great 1st camera for him.
A laptop is very high on my list as well as my teenage daughter’s! With 8 people in our house and one computer, we are always juggling computer time, with the 3 year-old thinking it should always be her!
Like you, the iPod really appeals to me but I want the iPhone so I can use it for EVERYTHING!
Happy Holidays & thanks for the chance to win!
.-= Holly´s last blog ..Lifefactory Multi-Sensory Teether Review & Giveaway =-.
My daughter wants an mp3 player for Christmas. I bought her a Sandisk one last year and it only lasted about 3 months. She didn’t break it, it just would not download music. It said that it needed upgraded (only 3 months old) and that it had already been upgraded when I tried. No one would help me on customer service. So she said she wanted a better one. Sometimes it isn’t always the childrens fault when something doesn’t work.
I would like a new camera.
I would love to get my wife a laptop. She uses a desktop do do everything and it would be nice for her to have her first laptop. Thanks!
I’d love to have a Flip video camera and a small camera to carry in my purse for all those “candid” moments of life.
My daughters want a Wii.But I am worried wont hook up to my older TV,So a new TV will be on list also.Also I have been reading up on the Wii and I am kind of confused on what all I NEED to buy.But will work on it,,Maybe the TV this year and wii the next :} Merry Christmas to all
I would like a laptop for our family
.-= Dennis´s last blog ..Mexico City Pyramids =-.
I would love to get my daughter a DVD player. Hers broke and we just can’t afford to even get her that. Not really high tech but its nice to have. Thank you!
Kodak Zi8 for my hubby and a new digital camera for me.
.-= Janell´s last blog ..Why Coupons Are Awesome! =-.
I would love a Nintendo Wii!
My kids would like the wii this year and I would LOVE a new cell phone!
.-= Eric´s last blog ..Grinch =-.
A kindle is on my list of gadgets I’d love to get this holiday season.
I would LOVE to get an ipod touch for Christmas, but our budget is a bit limited. :)
.-= Christina´s last blog ..Land’s End Bargains: Girls’ Embroidered Scarves $2.99 Shipped! =-.
my husband really wants a wii!
I need a printer for myself and my sdaughter is wishing for a digital camera.
Nintendo DS for my kids
I am hoping to receive the flipcamcorder this year. My girls are too young for high tech gadgets this year. But my hubby isn’t.
The DS and the ipod touch have been the big gifts that I’ve been giving to my family this year :)
My daughter would absolutely love the new Nintendo DSi.
A new laptop is the first item on my list this year. Any make; any model but a built-in webcam is a must.
A 32″ Sony Visio LCD TV. It’s been on our list for quite some time now, lol.
I totally want a point and shoot for Christmas this year. I haven’t narrowed it down to which one yet….
I would love a new desktop computer so that I can edit videos/pic of the kids into movies.
i would love a new camera too. Mine got stolen and i surely miss it. I hope who ever has it likes it cause they needed it way more than i did. Thanks for the chance to win.
I have a laptop on my wishlist this year for Christmas. I have never had one and would love to have one. Thank you!
An Ipod Touch and a Kindle were on my list, but I received those for my birthday and Mother’s Day this year. At this point, I’m hoping to get a couple of wide angle lenses for my cameras.
Would love to get my hubbie a laptop! He has been talking about getting one, but we are short on cash. This would really be awesome!
I want a new camera as mine is kaput. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I really want a blu-ray player with streaming netflix.
A netbook, I’m drooling over several.
I really want a Laptop or netbook for Christmas! I need one ! I would love to give one to my son for Christmas as well. These would be the most exciting gifts to give and receive for us! **wishing**Please Santa! Make it happen ;-)
An iPod touch is on my list!
What a great giveaway!
I would LOVE a new laptop or lens for my camera!
I sooooo need a GPS device! That way i can go hunt down all these deals without fear of getting lost! I am soooo directionally challenged!
I would looovvveee a new HP netbook!!!
A HP laptop…any laptop. We haven’t had internet access at home for years, and although I have it at work, my hubby doesn’t, so he’s starting to feel a little behind the times these days :)
This Christmas is going to be small due to our finances, but if I could, I would give my daughter an IPod Touch!! Thanks for the cool giveaway!
aimee (dot) ransom at gmail (dot) com
I am really wanting a Flip HD camera. I would love to be able to film in HD.
.-= Stacie Haight Connerty´s last blog ..Sam’s Club Cyber Week – Big Savings on Big Items Plus $225 in Gift Card Giveaways =-.
My husband and I would LOVE a digital camcorder to record all the precious moments of life with a 2-year-old!
The gadget that is high on my Christmas list is for my kids to get a Ninentendo DS handheld. I hope we can win the GC, I will be most appreciative!!
Ann A
brownatural at gmail dot com
I really want a netbook and a HP gift certificate would make it possible for my hubby to get one for me!!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!
I would love to get my Hubby is own Laptop then he will leave mine alone….lol
I want this thing I recently saw in a catalog…not sure of the name, but it reads your old 35mm film negatives and slides and turns them into digital images you can upload to your PC! I want it so badly!
I REALLY want a GPS system for my car…could care less about the brand! LOL Just sick of getting lost!
I want a Kindle (electronic book reader) for Christmas!!
I would love to get an ipod touch for Christmas! I think it’d be great to have the apps to help me.
I would love a netbook or laptop. Our home was hit by lighting this past spring and we cannot afford to replace everything that died.
An ipod is one gadget that’s high on my list this year!
A new desktop computer.
I would love an iphone!
I desperately need a new battery for my HP laptop. I lose power off of the cord in about 10 min :(
I was shocked to learn they are about $125!
This is awesome! Thanks so much to you and Bill me Later for the chance to win. The tech toy that is #1 on my list this year is the HP Mini Netbook. I’ve wanted a netbook for the past year and especially this year since I’ve done a lot of moving and traveling. I saw someone using the HP Mini on the plane recently and decided thats the netbook that I’d most like. Thanks!
I wish I had known about this contest sooner. My daughter just showed it to me. I just bought an HP fax/print/scanner for my son in law… but i still am planning on getting a laptop for my husband for christmas and i would put it towards this!
hbapn at aol dot com
A laptop or portable hard drive would be a dream in our house. My techie son would flip for either! The chance to win money for our school would be awesome. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
My wife always carries the camera around in her purse, and then I never have one to use… Santa please bring me a camera!
bukihard at yahoo dot fr
a new printer would go nice with the new laptop i got myself for christmas. :)
my husband would die and go to heaven if he got an i-pod touch!
sabeckstrom at yahoo dot com
A new laptop would be great. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would love to have a new digital camera. Mine is getting obsolete!
.-= Delorce Clark´s last blog ..Piperlime: 30% off Crocs until 12/8 =-.
I really want a GPS. I took my boyfriend’s and it was great… until it broke. Now neither of us have one!
I would love to get a new HP laptop and wireless router so my husband and I won’t fight for computer time anymore!
My daughter wants a video camera in the worst way and the two younger boys want the Nintendo DS lite.
I don’t normally get gadgets(the exception last year I managed to save up enough to get the family a Wii)which is okay I guess because my hubby and kids are the tech savvy ones.
My kids wants the Wii and my husband wants an Ipod
.-= Laura DeLuca´s last blog ..Mail for 12/5/09 =-.
I WANT the IPod Touch — but xmas budget is already been used up so guess I go without unless I can win one!!
I’d love to get a laptop and a playstation 3 for Christmas:)
I’d love to get a mini laptop for christmas. :)
The gadget I’m dreaming of this Christmas is a Canon Rebel camera!
.-= Wendy´s last blog ..Whew…. =-.
a PS3….I got one for my husband last year and now, the Blu ray player doesn’t work! He is bummed! It costs half as much to fix it as oppose to buying one…this time I’ll get a warranty! I would love to win this for him!!
I have lots of tech gifts that I’d love to get and give for the holidays. Hubby wants an ipod touch (as does his sis). I want a blu-ray player. Hubby also wants a new phone but we’re not sure if we want to go with the droid or the iphone – service where we live is sketchy no matter which company you go with. :( I’d love to get the kids their own little netbook so they can play on the computer without me having to get off. LOL! That would be a great gift for us all. :o) Thanks for the opportunity Bargain Briana and BML!
.-= Melissa´s last blog ..rmgm: Hey @americanexpress. I have some blu-rays on my holiday list. Pick me! #amexgiftcard. =-.
A camcorder is the gadget I am pining for. Our first baby is due in January and we would love to have something to record all his first moments with :D
I’d love a laptop!
.-= Elise´s last blog ..Round Up: Interesting Blog Posts I Read This Week =-.
Well, we already have lots of gizmos and gadgets, but a new laptop for my husband would be great.
I’ve never had a laptop – and my kids got my husbands old one… so a laptop is definitely top on my list!
I agree with Kathryn, I would love the Motorola Droid. I also want a printer with WiFi.
Don’t tell her, but my daughter is getting a laptop for Christmas. She goes off to college next fall, so we thought we would grab one for her on Black Friday when all the deals were floating around.
I have an iPhone on my wish list…hopefully Santa will remember!!
Thanks for the chance!
A macbook would be nice!:)
The motorola droid and a new laptop (my kids want mine) are on the top of our list.