Little boys and girls alike seem to love creepy crawly bugs and dirt, it is just part of their make up. So why not embrace it by creating a fun and inexpensive Bug Terrarium that will delight and maybe gross them out a little bit. It makes a creepy and cute decoration for their room, or even the living room and gives them a chance to play with a couple of their favorite things- bugs and dirt. It cost me just $3 to pick up the supplies at Dollar Tree for this craft and the kids loved it because it was easy and produced a silly caraft that they made themselves. Head over to Dollar Tree and grab the supplies to create this with your kids or give them free reign and watch what they can do!
Dollar Tree Supplies:
- Wide mouthed vase- preferably plastic
- Pack of plastic bugs
- Moss covered foam rocks
- potting soil
- optional: hot glue
Place 2”-3” of potting soil in bottom of vase, I recommend organic soil when smaller kids are handling it but you can also find small bags of cheap soil at Dollar Tree.
Set a foam rock or two on the soil for your bugs to rest on, add a stick from the yard.
Add your bugs, burying them in the soil, on the rock, hanging off the side, or even add a touch of hot glue and let them crawl up the side for maximum icky factor.
You can stretch this idea to include any of your child’s interests, instead of bugs use other small plastic figures like; dinosaurs, fairies, gnomes, zoo animals,etc.. to create a small wonderland.

Bug Terrarium
- Wide mouthed vase- preferably plastic
- Pack of plastic bugs
- Moss covered foam rocks
- potting soil
- optional: hot glue
- Place 2”-3” of potting soil in bottom of vase, I recommend organic soil when smaller kids are handling it but you can also find small bags of cheap soil at Dollar Tree.
- Set a foam rock or two on the soil for your bugs to rest on, add a stick from the yard.
- Add your bugs, burying them in the soil, on the rock, hanging off the side, or even add a touch of hot glue and let them crawl up the side for maximum icky factor.
Find more craft ideas – Dollar Crafts for Kids. You an also check out the latest crafts we have created.
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MY Nephew would love this! Thanks for sharing at #HomeMattersParty
Cute kids’ craft!
I saw this and immediately thought of my son. He would love this. Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us at the Brag About It link party! Have a wonderful weekend and see you next week!