Have you finished your behavior change contract? What kind of changes are you working on? I decided I’d like to run at least 3 days of each week for the next 20 weeks. I plan on accomplishing this by running on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 6am, before work. The third day each week, I’ll save for a night or weekend. I am hoping I’ll be motivated enough to run and exercise more than 3 days a week, but i think this is a realistic goal to begin with, considering i have a pretty hectic schedule.
My incentives include: a new dvd full of 5 of my favorite turbo kick workouts, a weekly ‘cheat’ day, and a monthly ‘lounge’ day (pajamas all day).
I’ve mapped out my 20 weeks on a calendar in my room and plan to update with colorful stickers daily- depending on what kind of workout I finished. I asked my mom to sign my contract and help motivate me. I am mostly motivated by internal factors, so I asked her to simply check in with me every so often and always remain positive so i don’t risk getting discouraged.
I have new nike running shoes and some new workout clothes to help boost my motivation and confidence. My playlist needs updated, but will do for now. time to ‘just do it’ :)
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