This summer sure has been a hot one in Indiana! We’ve had over five 100+ degree days and barely any rain. So little rain actually, that we didn’t see any live fireworks on Wednesday for the Fourth of July. Now, more than ever it’s important to stay hydrated! Most personal trainers recommend at least 2-4 8oz glasses of water every day! This can be achieved more easily than most think. I found a 32-ounce water bottle with a flip-up straw and middle ice-pack from CVS a couple years ago (on clearance sale for $0.52/ea!) and I find that if I fill it up regularly during the day I eat less. I have carried this 32-ounce water bottle to class, to work, to the golf course, to sporting events, to the gym, and more. It’s nice to have and saves me money & calories on 32-ounce soda purchases!
Water can be a crucial element in your diet and exercise regimens. Many people mistake hunger for thirst so if you are on a weight loss journey- water can be your best friend. If you haven’t already, I suggest you try drinking a large glass of water the next time you feel hungry. Ice water can help you burn a few extra calories due to your body having to heat up the cold water using your natural energy. If you try drinking ice water before meals, you may find that you feel fuller faster.
You can start out by buying bottled water, water filters (cheap at Walmart!), or using the water filter you have built-in to your fridge at home. I suggest buying a refillable water bottle because they are the most environmentally-friendly and can save you money if you already have a filtering system. The key is to do what works for you. This, like most of my ‘get fit topics’ are experiments and not all solutions work for everyone. The important thing is to try. And try again!
I would like to invite you to join me on a water challenge this July 2012! The water challenge I have in mind can be as simple or as complex as you would like it to be. Here are my water challenge ideas:
- Replace 1 choice drink (i.e.: soda, alcohol) every day with a glass of water
- Replace 1 choice drink per week with two glasses of water
- Drink All-Water & No-Calorie Drinks (i.e.: crystal light) only
- Drink (1) 8 ounce glass of water prior to every meal
- Drink (1) 8 ounce glass of water before and after exercising
My goal this July 2012 is to replace 1-2 choice drinks every day with water! I’d like to cut back on sodas completely (my weakness) eventually and cut my alcohol intake by at least half. I’ll admit this will be a challenge for me, but I hope you’ll join me! I know increasing water and decreasing sodas & alcohol have worked for me before and I know that it will be a beneficial habit to pursue again. Will you join me on a water challenge? What works for you?
Amazon has these great deals on Brita 42629 Slim Pitcher for $12.10 or Spring Water, 16.9 Oz. Bottles, Case Of 24
$10.09. You might also be interested in the PUR CR-6000C 2-Stage Oval Water Pitcher with LED Indicator
on sale for just $19.99 today!