Well, now we know why Marsh Supermarkets is stopping the doubling of coupons! Because Kroger in the Midwest region (Northern KY, Cincinnati, Dayton) are also eliminating the doubling of coupons as of March 1, 2013. Indiana is currently under the Central Kroger ad and at this time, I’m not sure if this policy affects my Indiana readers. However, I know many of you are in Ohio and will be disappointed.
According to Kroger, this “exciting news for all Kroger shoppers,” due to the lowering of prices on thousands of products. Fuel points will be continued. Managers also have the right to refuse any coupon for any reason. Thanks to the TLC show “Extreme Couponing” for ruining it for all of us legitimate couponers who are just trying to save our families money – not create a mini grocery store in our homes.
What do think? Will Meijer be the next to announce they will discontinue doubling coupons? Personally, I may skip coupons altogether and shop 100% at ALDI if these trends continue.
Not doubling coupons is a bummer. One of the few reasons I still went to Kroger.
Surely the store managers/corporations know that the “extreme coupon people” are the exception not the rule. That’s why they are called “extreme,” not “normal.” I, like most of you, try to match coupons w/ sales, but I have NEVER received an item for free, and a whole basket for 10% of the total? Forget it! I just want to save some money so we can purchase the ice cream or steak.
A cashier at Meijer told me that they are going to stop doubling coupons too.
I live in Wixom, Michigan. Does this policy change apply to Michigan? What region are we considered? I thought we were the MidWest … LOL
We are the midwest but according to the Kroger regions which aren’t necessarily how we think of ourselves we are the central ad. :)
I live in Columbus Ohio. I have not heard about Kroger stopping their doubling of coupons yet. I am extremely sad. I try hard but I only save 30% at best. If they stop doubling, I will have to shop at Aldi or Walmart where at least the prices are usually a few cents better. Another sad trend is coupons that are store specific.
I have never understood mfr coupons that say ‘do not double’. I thought the store absorbed the ‘double’. If so, why do the manufacture care?
I don’t think Columbus is included in this! :)