“What’s for dinner?”
How many times do we hear that a week? My answer is usually, I don’t know. I try to be organized but sometimes that doesn’t always work as life gets in the way. So we usually dig through our cabinets and freezer to find something. Of course, what we are looking for is never in the right place. I usually know I purchased it but it is a scavenger hunt trying to find it. The perils of an over abundant stockpile, I guess.
Due to the current economy, more of us have been cooking at home instead of grabbing something out for dinner. Mealtime.org has all the tools you need to run your kitchen smoother. Meal planning and kitchen organization will help save you money and help to eliminate a little stress when you have the right tools.
Some of the tips include ways to maximize your space if you are short on space, safe storage, and much more! Sometimes all it takes is one or two simple thing to make a huge difference. Utilize your local dollar store to find cheap small baskets, bins, and other items to organize your space.
Our pantry is not huge. We have one so that is a start. I’ve tried to maximize the space in our pantry as much as possible. I recently bought one of those shoe organizers for the door to put over the pantry door and I’ve put all of our mixes, packets, and other loose items to try to maximize space. This has also made it easier for me to find the things I need. This one small change has made a huge difference in my pantry space.
“Perk Up Your Pantry” Tips
- Arrange food so that you can see them.
- Designate storage space and group similar foods together.
- Save space.
- Use bins, baskets, and drawers.
- Make it easy for your family by labeling the containers so your family knows where to put away your groceries.
I haven’t cleaned out my spices cabinet for awhile either so I decided this was something I could do in 30 minutes or less. Basically it consisted of adding another riser on one shelf and rearranging the spices so the ones we use often were in front for easy access. I also found a few things that needed to be thrown out because they had been in there too long or it was something I no longer needed. It is a small change but I think it looks much better and will be more functional.
Use tiered and expanding shelves that adjust to the width of the cabinet.
I shop at Dahl’s Foods.
I really like the tip that states you should organize your pantry with yoru foods in similar food gropu options. So if you’ve got all of your Italian in one part, mexican food in another, etc. That way all of your ingredients for a given meal you’re going to prepare are all together. And you can tell visually what you’re missing in terms of ingredients for a meal you want to put together.
I like the kitchen organizational chart. I printed it off and I am going to tackel it this weekend. Even though I know where everythign in my kitchen is, I’m the only one and it drives my hubby and adult son nuts! So I think if we organized the kitchen based off of this flow chart it would not only be more efficient but it would be something that everyone in the kitchen could understand. Anything that makes my life easier and run faster is great with me.
I know this tip seems obvious but organizing the pantry so that you have your heavier items on the bottom. I never realized that I had so many of my heavier items on the higher shelves. So I’m going to do a little rearranging!
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I would like the walmart gift card since that’s the only grocery store we have close by us.
I like the idea of putting lazy susans in my kitchen. I haven’t had those in a really long time and they’re such a good idea. Especially for teh cupboard I have that’s next to the stove and it’s really deep so I don’t usually use it. This would make it so taht I can have my cananed goods on teh lazy susan and I don’t have to erach back and sort through tons of cans. I hadn’t thought to use a lazy susan for years but it’s a great idea!
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I thought all of the tips were really interesting. I like the one about having helpers in the kitchen. I tend to try and do it all. I grocery shop, cook, clean, put the left over saway. But then I get frustrated at working so hard. So I really need to learn to delegate some of the household duties. I’ve been having my son grab groceries for us every now and then. But I really need to figure out a way to get help in the kitchen.
I forgot to include it in my original post: I would like for this gift card to be issued for Walmart. Thanks!
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The tip that I found most useful was the one about the “essential tools” in your kitchen. I tend to have tons of superfluous kitchen utensils and multiples of the same items. I have three different spatulas, 4 different wooden spoons, you name it I own it. And they’re all shoved into a tiny little container in my kitchen. I really don’t use all of these tools so this was a helpful stimulus for me to donate them to charity.
Sorry, I forgot to put in my original post: I would like to get the gift card to Walmart. Thanks!
Your button is on my main page at gstix.blogspot.com
I posted your giveaway on my blog http://gstix.blogspot.com/2009/09/mealtimeorg-giveaway.html
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I like the tip on organizing your feezer and fridge. My freezer is such a mess and I find food stuffed in the back overrun with freezer burn. It’s frustrating to waste food because I left it too long and its gone bad. I would like this gift card for Walmart. Thanks!
I have your button on my blog beejax.blogspot.com
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I love their meal planning grid. I’m always trying to find ways to cook healthy meals without wasting a bunch of time. This grid is a great way to plan meals in advance. I would like to get a Walmart gift card to use to make some of these healthy meals!
I signed up for e-mail subscription
I learned that you should put the heavier item in your pantry on the bottom shelves. This is a no brainer but I never really thought about it before! If I won I would love to get this for Walmart. Thanks!
I have your button at colitascorner.blogspot.com
I blogged http://colitascorner.blogspot.com/2009/09/grocery-store-gift-card.html
Tweet http://twitter.com/Lstixrud/status/4376159795
I’m an e mail subscriber. And I forgot to put in my original entry that I would like to get my gift card for walmart. Thank you !
I loved the tip about hanging racks on the back of the pantry door. I have such a tiny kitchen with zero storage so anything I can do to add extra organization is huge for me!
I really need to do this to my kitchen!! I have started to be somewhat organized. If I win I would want a Kroger gift card!! Thanks
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crystal_reagan at hotmail dot com
I think using the meal planning grid would help keep my kitchen running more smoothly. If I were to win, I would probably choose Walmart since I do most of my grocery shopping there.
Thanks! crystal_reagan at hotmail dot com
email subscriber
I like the Kitchen Organization tip
perk up the pantry
I’m also an email subscriber.
I like the idea about using plastic storage bins to help organize the freezer! I’d love a giftcard to Safeway or Albertsons.
E-mail subscriber
I have your button on my blog.
I like the idea of labeling shelves and drawers so that family members can easily find items from the pantry.
Using tiered shelving in cupboards would really help our kitchen run smoother… I often can’t see all of our canned goods and misc items shoved in the cupboard! Would love to win a GC to Walmart for groceries!
I follow your blog via RSS!
Lots of good tips! I could definitely use the tip about using more bins and shelves in my pantry; right now there’s a lot of unused “overhead” space. I also liked the idea of making/using a menu grid. I’d use the gift card for Trader Joe’s.
I added your button to my blog.
I blogged about this giveaway: http://trishdubes.blogspot.com/2009/09/250.html
I subscribed to your RSS feed.
The tips on perking up the pantry are all very helpful. My pantry is a cluttered mess most times (basically, the day after I organize it!), so all of the tips to help arrange it more effectively will definitely be utilized in my kitchen! I do most of my grocery shopping at Wal-Mart or Publix.
I blogged about it on my blog!!!
I also subscribe in Google Reader :)
I think that labeling freezer items is such a simple thing, but SO helpful! If I win, I’d like the card for Shaws :)
I stumbled your giveaway
Username: wastebasketsa
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Reorganize the Refrigerator and Freezer because its hard to find stuff in my freezer :(
new subscriber via Google reader.
Wow- what an awesome giveaway! I checked out the site and learned to hang paper towel racks and coffee mugs under overhead cabinets. I also like the over the door show holder idea for small boxes and packets.
I just used the simple steps to make your work center work for you! Along with adding more shelves, I gave back dishes etc. to my mother in law and put the stuff I NEVER use in the back. When I started I had to stick a hand in and hold the stuff back so it wouldn’t fall out when I opened the door. NOW WOW! I wish you could see it….I can open the door and reach anything I want with ease, I might actually use my breadmaker LOL Thanks a million for this helpful site! Albertsons is my store of choice. With double Qs $250 would last 6 months there!
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/amweeks/status/4326070631
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I love this tip from reorganizing the fridge: Put ready-to-eat snacks where kids can see and reach them. That might be washed grapes or apples; sliced carrot or bell pepper sticks; yogurt, milk and cheese cubes; or juice. I’d love a gift certificate to Publix!
OH! And I’d like the gift card to Meijer…and I subscribe via email! :)
Wow! LOVE the meal planning grid! I already meal plan, but the grid helps map it all out for me. Thanks!
I also subscribe to emails.
This kit is awesome. Going through it I really found that the section on canned foods (pg 11 & 12) was very helpful. I never really buy canned goods, because I always thought they were very unhealthful, but now I will start to incorporate some canned foods into my grocery list, which will also save money. I also liked the tip on placing the snacks on high shelves so I can monitor what my kids take for snacks. I shop at Dominick’s (Safeway). Thanks Briana!!
Second entry for subscription to emails.
This kit is awesome. Going through it I really found that the section on canned foods (pg 11 & 12) was very helpful. I never really buy canned goods, because I always thought they were very unhealthful, but now I will start to incorporate some canned foods into my grocery list, which will also save money. I also liked the tip on placing the snacks on high shelves so I can monitor what my kids take for snacks. Thanks Briana!!
This kit is awesome. Going through it I really found that the section on canned foods (pg 11 & 12) was very helpful. I never really buy canned goods, because I always thought they were very unhealthful, but now I will start to incorporate some canned foods into my grocery list, which will also save money. I also liked the tip on placing the snacks on high shelves so I can monitor what my kids take for snacks. Thanks Briana!!
I subscribe to bargain briana via e-mail!
I am lovin’ the space saving lazy susans!! If I win, I would get a Kroger gift card!
I also signed up for RSS. Thanks. :)
The meal planning grid looks pretty good. When I manage to meal plan, dinner is so much easier…I just don’t get around to it often enough.
I shop at Trader Joe’s and Kroger. Thanks!
And I tweeted it: http://twitter.com/CFOblog/status/4314317115
Thanks again for the giveaway!
I blogged about the giveaway at Chief Family Officer :)
Its really nice to see ‘green kitchen’ tips on the website. Its nice to have a reminder as sometimes it is easy to fall away from greener habits. I shop at Giant Eagle!
Its really nice to see ‘green kitchen’ tips on the website. Its nice to have a reminder as sometimes it is easy to fall away from greener habits.
Email subscriber.
Mealtime.org is amazing! Thanks for the guidance! A new idea: Add plastic bins or expandable shelves to organize items and better utilize space in your refrigerator and freezer. I have never considered doing that before but it sure would be helpful.
i tweeted! thanks,shannon flora
http://twitter.com/shannon717717/status/4302180614 thanks,shannon flora(cont from upper post)
i subscribe through email,thanks shannon flora
i like the tip about stock your pantry!Stock up in advance so you can have ingredients ready and available at any time. Canned food works extremely well because it stays fresh and keeps its nutritional value for a long time. thanks,shannon flora
i forgot to write which grocery store i would go to,it would be wallmart!!!(cont from upper posts)thanks,shannon flora
my freezer is a nightmare. plastic bins for like items & labels with what it is & date are great tips.
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http://tcarolinep.blogspot.com/2009/09/giveaway-bargain-briana.html blogged.
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I like this tip!
• Add a Lazy Susan in cabinets or on the counter to make better use of space in back corners.
Target Gift Card would be appreciated!
Kitchen organization is what I need!! I printed off this chart and plan on moving things around in my kitchen this weekend according to the chart and see how much efficient it is! Thanks. Oh, and Walmart is where I buy all my groceries!
blogged ya
I enjoyed all the information about using canned goods, and using them creatively. I hate hate hate going grocery shopping, and tend to go once a month. Having a well stocked canned food section in my pantry would help me make nutritious meals once all my fresh produce has been eaten up!
(I shop at Copp’s or SuperTarget)
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For me it is the pantry organization. I can never find what I am looking for. I would like to use it at my local Copps store.
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I forgot a grocery store. If I was to win I would love a Kroger gift card.
The one that helped me the most was Perk Up Your Pantry
Use bins, baskets and drawers. Place flour, sugar and other bagged items into airtight storage bins making it easy to stack them and keep them fresh longer. Baskets also can keep bags together especially for storing items that don’t need to be refrigerated, such as potatoes and onions. Sliding mesh drawer units can keep packets of hot chocolate, dip mixes and tea bags organized and easy to grab.
This one I’m really going to use. Thank you for the great giveaway!
Tweeted http://twitter.com/cdziuba/status/4294996154
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This is a good tip: 2. Designate storage space and group similar foods together. Stack canned vegetables, fruits, soups, meat and fish grouped by category. Place boxed food items, such as pasta and cereal, as well as cookbooks on shelves with names facing outward for easy reading.
If you want to take it a step futher, youn can alphabetize your pantry!
I would love the prize for Shoprite, Stop & Shop, or Foodtown!
Putting racks on the inside of my cupboard doors would help organize my tiny pantry. Roll out shelves would help too!
I’m like you, I have so many goodys from all the good deals, that I can’t always find what I’m looking for. So, the kitchen organization ideas are the best for me. If I win, I’d like a Wal-Mart card (since we live in podunkville with no real grocery names here — we have United and Lowe’s Family Grocery.)
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Getalonghome/statuses/4295569626
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I grabbed your button. Again, I’m still working on this blog, so if it isn’t showing yet, bear with me. It’s there, I promise!
Blogged here: http://getalonghome.com/?p=1278
My template is not finished. Please bear with me while I try to make it look better!
This one is a tip I should take to heart: Pick a work center and make sure everything in the center is directly related to the work center’s activities.
My stuff is all over the place!
I found this tip most helpful: Make it easy for your family to help. Label shelves and drawers to show where food is stored so your family can easily help with meal prep and putting away groceries. I am trying to figure out ways for my 3 year old son to start helping at meal times, and this could be a help! I would want the gift card for use at Target. Thanks!!
tbrown.avon at gmail dot com
I am a subscriber by email.
Really great tips in the Perk Up the Pantry section:
Save space. Install a door or wall rack for cans and bottles and use bins, baskets and drawers.
I would love a gift card to Publix, thank-you.
I subscribe via e-mail…I would love a gift card to Kroger! Thank you
The tip that would help me out the most would be to put up a wall rack to put my cans goods on. What a great site!
Wow! What a great giveaway and alot of GREAT tips. The tips for freezer/refrigerator storage are the ones I will use. What great tips and the area I need help in.
Gift Card Choice: Walmart, Kroger, or Jewel
Thanks for a great giveaway and blog!!!!
I like the kitchen organization section. Perhaps with a kitchen more organized I’d be able to get things done quicker! If chosen, I’d take Walmart or Weis Markets if available.
blogged here: http://tinyurl.com/ll7pun
tweet, thanks! http://twitter.com/idahojill/status/4172848347
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Your button is on my sidebar, thanks
wow, what a great giveaway. I would need an Albertson’s gift card if I won. I saw the picture of the shoes organizer & chuckled – I bought one a couple of weeks ago, but my husband has to rig it to fit our pantry door…so it’s not done yet. I really want him to put it up so I can organize all those little packets and pouches! We also bought a shelving unit for the laundry room as an extra pantry – my stockpile was taking over our very small pantry in the kitchen. So, that helped and I can actually see what I have now! thanks!
All these ideas will definetly help me with my very tiny pantry. It is so small, finding things is challenging.
That is definitely a useful site! I would have to say that the ‘Reorganize the Refrigerator and Freezer’ is the best tip for me. Because things in the back are harder to see and get obscured by the stuff in the front – I tend to find some rather interesting science projects in there. I should set a schedule and redo it regularly to ensure I’m using the space wisely and not wasting food. Thanks for the giveaway too! I shop at Wal-Mart but if that option isn’t available, Publix would be my next choice.
Thanks again!
tweeted http://twitter.com/conlatda Would love a Jewel or Walmart gift card!
Perk up the pantry is my favorite and I am getting started on mine soon as I am done posting this! Would love to have a Jewel or Walmart card. Thanks for all you do Brianna and the great site.
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I forgot to add that I would love the card for Stop&Shop!
The tip I like the most is Perk Up the Pantry. This has to be done all the time because when I go shopping ,I stock up if there is a sale. The kids were always in there moving everything around,eating everything in site. I had 3 boys and a girl so I always made sure there was a full pantry. They would move can foods they had no interest in and sometimes I didn’t see ,buying more because I thought I needed it.
So at least once a week I would check what I need ,clean and organize,so much easier! Now they stop buy and go shopping in the pantry. LOL
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Grabbed button.
Perk Up the Pantry would help me
and Walmart for grocery shopping
The pantry shelving solutions really caught my eye. Wal-Mart would be my choice for the grocery card.
I loved the tip about organizing your pantry. Ours is narrow so I have a hard time seeing whats in the back so it usually sits there and goes bad and also takes up space. I loved the picture you have of the shoe holder on the door for all the smaller items. I will need to do that. I would love the gift card to Meijer. Thanks
I like the Perk up your pantry segment…raised can racks .
I would love a gift card to Meijer!!!!!!!
I have subscribed to your e-mails! Thanks for the chance to win!
I found the part about having healty snacks in kids reach to be very helpful. I have always had a snack drawer in the refridgerator, but I never thought about the dry snack goods, I keep them above oven in a cabinet my daughter cannot reach, I will be moving them now :) Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway!
I am a subscriber to your website! I absolutely love it! I went to mealtime.org and viewed the kitchen essentials page. All the ideas and tips are wonderful but I think that the kitchen organizer will help be the most! I have always wanted a more organized kitchen. If I am the winner for the $250 gift card I would like it to be either Walmart or Krogers! Thanks for all your great money saving tips!
Second Entry~I blogged about your giveaway! thanks so much for the chance to win!!
Hy-Vee is my only choice if I win!
I have your button on my blog! Thanks so much for the awesome Giveaway, and the chance to win :)
If I won I would want the card for Hy-Vee since that is the only grocery store I have.
I subscribe to your RSS feed :)
I’m very intrigued by the meal planning grid. I’ve gotten out of the planning habit and this would help me get back in it! Thanks for the giveaway!
I’m a happy subscriber! I’d like the gift card to be Kroger if I’m lucky enough to win, thanks!
The tip about putting kids healthy snacks in easily reached easily viewed places is a good one for me since I have a wee one who is about to turn 3. I’d like the gift card to be Kroger if I’m lucky enough to win, thanks!
The perfect pantry list was very helpful to me. Before we had our daughter, my husband and I spent so much money and time eating out. But now that we are parents, we’re trying to eat more healthfully, and having a well-stocked pantry would really help. I’d use the gift certificate to go to Whole Foods, because they have such good bulk options.
For some reason, I’m unable to put your button (or anyone else’s) on my blog. Sorry…but I tried.
Can someone please tell me how to get the button. When I cut and paste the code, all I end of showing on my blog is the words of the link with no link and no picture. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I use WordPress.
I’m an e-mail subscriber. jenmizener at gmail dot com
I found the safe food storage tips to be the most helpful! I’m always so confused about if something is expired, best by date, or sold by date, so I’m never quite sure if I should throw something out or use it!! jenmizener at gmail dot com
I forgot to say in my first comment that I would like a giftcard to walmart. jenmizener at gmail dot com
I just subscribed to your newsletter ;-)
Second entry….just subscribed to your email. 1) Publix or 2) Kroger card please. Thanks!
I liked the tips about enlisting the help of your family in the kitchen. I tend to do all the meal prep, shopping, organizing myself, and love the idea of getting everyone more invested in our meals. Having healthy snacks easily accessible for my son and having him help me plan and cook as a way to get him to try more foods are definitely on my to do list!
There were so many great tips that need to incorporate into my kitchen, but the one I would start with would be the cabinet storage. There is so much wasted space between the shelves that it drives me nuts. I have no room for the things I have and should really pare down to the necessary kitchen items as well. I would love a gift card to 1) Publix or 2) Kroger.
i have your button here:
I would love to be entered for a Kroger gift card and the tip I liked the best was to label items and to have an over the head shelf in your pantry. Thanks for the giveaway.
Would love to save at Kroger! Found you from seeing the wthr news……..great site!
I subscribe via email.
The tip that I found would help most, and save time with would be using canned food. I try using fresh as much as possible, but knowing that canned is just as nutrient rich changes my mind a bit. I shop at Target most, if not Walmart, or Kroger would be great.
Thanks so much for this giveaway.
faved you on technorati: carogonza
I would love a Kroger gift card!
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kitchen organization, i need to do something.my cupboards are so small, and there is not much room to organize it.
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I have blogged about your fantastic gift card giveaway!
Organizing a shopping list for coupons would really help me. I kind of use them helter-skelter. I’m sure this would not only save me some money but help with meal planning around them as well.
Preferred grocery: Albertson’s
Hi there, not sure if the last post went in – I got an error.
I would love one for Ralphs and I found the recipe for Pizza-licious Home-Baked Pie – on their site :)
blogged: http://theartofrandomwillynillyness.blogspot.com/2009/09/sunday-giveaway-round-up.html
I clicked to the Kitchen Organization page and I liked how they had the spreadsheet set up. I loved how they broke out the several work centers and how to organize yourself and kitchen around the work centers. There are a few things I am not doing now. I liked how they advised to store the colanders, veggie brushes and peelers around the sink and dishwasher. I have mine across the kitchen and it would be easier if I moved them. Great tips.
I’m a google subscriber.
I like the idea about labeling the shelves and drawers. My husband tries to help me put away the groceries and so forth but I usually end up having to redo everything because he puts everything where ever he can fit it. labels would definitely save me time. If I won I’d choose Shaw’s. Thanks for the chance.
I subscribed to your email.
I would love to have the gift card to Krogers if possible.
Thank you!
I subscribe.
This really is a nice website. If I could just do what they suggest and Eliminate Counter Clutter my kitchen would run much smother!
If I win I would love to have the gift card to Krogers.
Thank you!
The tip I need is to reorganize my pantry. It is unmanageable the way it is.
I would use the gift card at King Soopers if I won.
I am an email subscriber too! Thanks!!!
I need to clean out my freezer. Labeling everything, especially freezer items would prevent a lot of waste. I loved how the pantry was organized too! Thanks Briana! A Walmart giftcard would be great!
For the above my email is cantonbrandy@yahoo.com
I loved the perk up my pantry section. I always need a organized pantry to make quick and easy lists for shopping. I never realized how much room you can get out of a over the door shelf for cans and bottles. I will have to look into that. I usually do my shopping at walmart so that would be my choice for the $250 gift card.
I just subscribe via email.
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Have your button on my sidebar scroll and in my HUGE linky list!
Subscribe via bloglines.
My fave tip….Combine canned pantry foods with fresh ingredients. Sweeten a tossed garden salad with canned Mandarin orange segments or peach slices. Top grilled tuna or chicken, or a baked potato with canned salsa. Blend canned fruit with yogurt and juice for a quick smoothie.
Safeway is my store of choice, thanks so much for the chance!
I am an e-mail subscriber.
The tip that would help me the most is Reorganize the Refrigerator and Freezer. I like the suggestion of adding plastic bins and expandable shelves to make better use of your space! If I won, the store I would like a gift card from is Harris Teeter.
I need help in reorganizing my refrigerator and freezer and found the tips very helpful.
I blogged about it in my sidebar http://www.bargainfun.blogspot.com
I have your button http://www.bargainfun.blogspot.com
the safe food storage ideas were great
Love the kitchen organization tips! Once again Briana, you’ve gave us great tips or great links to great tips!!! Would love to use my coupons and hopefully a $250 gift card at Meijer or Walmart.
I love the idea of making sure that needed items are located near your workcenters. I’m going to have to go through my kitchen and check this.
I am a subscriber!
I never thought to add a wire shelf to my cupboards so that I could better organize my spices….two shelves out of one!
I subscribe also!
I love your idea with the shoe organizer. I would love a Safeway card!
While my pantry just gor organized I could still use the pantry perk tips of using fore baskets/containers/ or shelves. I would love a card to Albertsons!!!
I am an email subscriber!
I would love a gift card to Kroger–we shop there the most.
I like the idea of using straws, candles and music to make dinner a little more fun and interesting.
I loved the tips on pantry organizaton. I need to buy some more bins and baskets. If I won I’d like to shop at Price Chopper. This local grocery store is a favorite to Rachel Ray and it doubles my coupons. I also get 10 cents off a gallon of gas for every $50 I spend and it accumulates. Right now we are up tp $1.40 off a gallon.
Thanks so much Briana,
I twittered this giveaway
I like the time-saver tips as well as what things should be in my pantry. If I won, I would love a gc to Krogers!
I subscribe to your newsletter!
Stock Up on Nutrient-Rich Choices is what caught my eye. This is something I am really trying to focus on right now to help with us eating healthier.
If I won, I would like the GC to be to Dillons (Kroger).
Thanks for the giveaway!
Extra Entry…retweet on twitter. Angie
I also subscribe to your blog!
I could use the tips on reorganization of the fridge and freezer. Leftovers always seem to get stuck and the back and wasted and I’d love to prevent that! I would use the gift card at WalMart to stock up on groceries!
Thanks for the chance at this Briana! The tip that I think would help me the most is to install the bottle/jar racks on the back of the pantry door, never thought to do that but that would make finding those things alot easier and give me more room in the pantry! A meijer gift card would be great!!! Thanks Again! Angie
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I could definitely use the tips on reorganizing my refrigerator and freezer!
I shop at Smith’s.
Thanks so much!
I subscribe via RSS. :)
Keep counters clear by creating an area where the kids can drop their stuff. I’d need to change that to where “mom” can drop my stuff. It goes everywhere and piles just aren’t cutting it. It’d be great to have it for Meijer.
My tweet: http://twitter.com/njhhb/status/4149654856
I also subscribe to your blog on my Google Reader. Thanks again!
The tip for installing a door or wall rack for cans and bottles is the best. I have a tiny “galley” kitchen with one small cupboard for a pantry. Also, the basement stairs are right there in the kitchen. I recently solved the problem by installing two racks from Home Depot inside the basement stairwell right at the top. They only take about six inches of space and leave plenty of room to carry laundry baskets down to the washer. Now, I just reach into the stairwell for my can goods and finding everything is a snap! I would use the gift card at Giant. Thanks!
I like the tip Perk up the Pantry. If you could get as organized as that picture looked, you would actually know what you had, know what you needed and not end up with lots of some things and none of others. I do most of my grocery shopping at Food Lion or the Wal-Mart Supercenter.
Reorganizing my pantry and freezer would help tremendously with mealplanning.
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I also liked the meal planning grid. I plan out dinners, but I need to start planning our lunches and breakfasts as well! If I won, I would use the gift card at Meijer. Thanks!
They make a great point about canned foods saving money, and they are nutritious (as long as you read the ingredients and choose wisely!). We buy canned goods on sale to keep in our emergency kit, and with the change of season I check the dates and switch out old cans for fresher ones from our pantry. I would love a $250 gift card for Walmart if I’m lucky enough to win. Thanks Bargain Briana! :)
The essential kitchen tools. I seem to accumulate an over abundance of kitchen utensils (which I never get to use because I forget I have them). Cutting it down to the essentials would certainly free up a lot of space!!!! I’d love to win the gift card to Meijer or Paylow!!!!! Thank you!
Extra entry (tweeted):
The tip I found the most useful was the kitchen organization… never thought of my kitchen in terms of work centers. I would want the gift card for Whole Foods, if available otherwise Meijer. Thanks for all the good info on your site, Briana!
The tip most helpful to me was regarding my pantry — i never thought to hang racks over the back of my pantry doors. I’ll have to see if they’ll still close! Also, I would love to spend this giftcard at walmart or target….i’m not picky!
Extra entry (button grab):
The tip I found the most useful was the kitchen organization… never thought of my kitchen in terms of work centers. I would want the gift card for Whole Foods, if available otherwise Meijer. Thanks for all the good info on your site, Briana!
Extra entry (email subscription)
The tip I found the most useful was the kitchen organization… never thought of my kitchen in terms of work centers. I would want the gift card for Whole Foods, if available otherwise Meijer. Thanks for all the good info on your site, Briana!
i have your button on my blog
What an exciting giveaway! I checked out the website and really appreciated the tips on organizing your workspace. It said to make sure the items stored in there relate to what you do there!
If I won the gift card, I’d use it at Fred Meyer (my favorite grocery store!). Thank you so much for hosting this!
The tip I found the most useful was the kitchen organization… never thought of my kitchen in terms of work centers. I would want the gift card for Whole Foods, if available otherwise Meijer. Thanks for all the good info on your site, Briana!
I subscribed to your newsletter! Thank You!
I blogged! I also will have it on my Facebook page!
The tip that would help me the most is reorganizing the refridgerator and freezer. My freezer is a huge mess, and I have to dig to find what I want. I would want the gift card for Krogers! Thanks for the chance to win!
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/morethancents/status/4149383675
In our rental home cabinet storage is limited so I think we would benefit from using tiered and expanding shelves that adjust to the width of the cabinet.
If I won I’d use the gift card at our local grocer Hen House because they double coupons.
cent_saving_mom [AT] yahoo [DOT] com
I am a subscriber to your newsletter now on my arteachersusan at gmail dot com account!!! Thanks!
I subscribe via RSS
I like the perk up your pantry tip!
I loved the mealtime planning grid!!! I have 4 children and between a solid nutrish breakfast, 5 days worth of lunches, and a cost effective dinner plan for our entire family not to mention all the snacks everyone is always begging for… let’s just say it would simplify my life a little more.
If I win I’d love to have the gift card for Publix (I usually go to Walmart but I’d love to spend the day and the card on a little field trip just for me at Publix instead).
Ahh, it’s a sad day when grocery shopping is considered a pampering experience lol
I tend to not buy canned anything. I”ve been told over the years that fresh or frozen is better. I was blown away to read that you should stock up on can goods because nutrition wise they can be consider better because they are picked and canned to retain nutrients. Hmmm…. ok I will have to start doing this more since fall and winter are coming soon. It is cheaper to buy canned veggies for soups and I make a lot of soup in the fall/winter months. As for grocery shopping I do most of mine at Wal-Mart or Kroger. Thanks for the site! I’m passing it on to my readers.
The Pantry Shelving Solutions would really help – I have mine organized, but not efficiently and I could definitely use some storage bins or baskets too!
I would really love a Publix or WalMart gift card for groceries! :)
There are a lot of great tips and some that make a lot of common sense, like storing the heavier pantry items on the lower shelves! Sounds silly but, keeping baking supplies at eye level may be good if you bake a lot, but all that flour and sugar can add up to a lot of weight – for your back and for the shelves!
Wow! What a great site to send me to! I’ve already added it to my reader – and I was really excited to see the meal planning grid – what a great way not just to plan my family’s meals, but to also see that those meals are providing a balanced diet – something that’s a struggle to provide. I can’t wait to take my plan over to Walmart, hopefully with my $250 gift card to get all the groceries I’ll need for a great meal plan! (Not ot mention all my coupons and sale matchups!!)
My kitchen is so tiny and I have no counter space at all. I do most of my preparation work on a cutting board it set across my sink.
I really need storage oraganizers for my one cabinet so I can see what is in the back and get it it! Now I have to climb on a chair to look toward the back.
Two people in my kitchen are a mob.
Help me!!!