My youngest daughter and I recently spent an entire evening creating and coming up with cute ideas for Valentine’s Day cards! These were so much fun and actually much easier than I anticipated. For you, they will be even easier as all you will need to do is print out what we have created to make your cards. Moms will love this “You’re a Great Catch” non-candy Valentine’s Day Idea using Pepperidge Farm Goldfish or buy “Whales” from the Dollar General Store. This is also a free printable that isn’t pink! {Find coupons for snack crackers and other Valentine’s Day Candy!}
“You are a Great Catch” Non-Candy Valentine’s Day Idea
- You’re a great Catch Valentine’s Printable (MS Word)
- You’re a great Catch Valentine’s Printable (PDF)
We tried both the thicker card stock type paper and just regular printer paper. Either one with work fine and I would just use whatever you have on hand to save money. Kids aren’t really going to care if it’s thicker paper so I’m fine with the inexpensive paper and it still looks nice. You can also buy smaller clear plastic bags from a craft store but I just bought a package of snack size bags from the Dollar General store for just $2 and folded these over. Again, the plain clear bags from the craft store will look nicer but kids aren’t going to notice the difference.
Find more handmade Valentine’s Day ideas!
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Cute! I love cute ideas that even a “craft klutz” like me can make. Visiting from the #HomeMattersParty