You can now find Bargain Briana on Frugal Focus. This newly launched site is a group of passionate bloggers focused on frugal living. This is a central location to find blogs focused in the frugal niche. It is easy to navigate and an easy way for you to find the best frugal content in one spot.
Nothing will change here with my content or the way you see my information here. However, you will want to check out this site for other frugal features as I can’t possibly cover it all here. You can search by keywords, blogger, content, date, and place. It is a pretty cool concept and I’m honored to have been asked to be a part of this network.
Featured Bloggers include:
- Bargain Babe
- Finally Frugal
- Frugal Green Girl
- Frugal Plus
- Not Made Of Money
- The Frugal Duchess
- The Frugal Girl
Are you a frugal blogger not on the list? There are still spots open to bloggers, so contact Laura to get your spot.