I’m so happy with the way this vase with faux flowers turned out. I had wandered aimlessly in a craft store for a few hours and couldn’t decide on flowers or a vase so I decided not to purchase anything from that particular store. Then I headed to Walmart to pick up a few items there and happened across the greenery section. It isn’t a huge section – just one side of the aisle but I found something that would work for what I was looking without spending a bunch of money.
Did you know there were owls that harbored demons? The sweet cashier, bless her heart, told me a story about how a preacher came to her home a long, long time ago before a revival and noticed her owl collection. He told her how some owls harbor demons and she should not collect those types of owl pieces. She kind of laughed it off but she told me she looked it up and never bought the owl pieces for her collection that would harbor the demon owls.
I’m just a novice with making my own centerpiece items so I didn’t want to spend a lot of money and not have it work out. I’m happy to report I was able to put together this gem for just $20.97. Here’s the breakdown:
Owl Vase – $9.97
(7) Yellow Flowers @ $1.50/each = $10.50
(1) Foam piece @ $0.50
Total Spent: $20.97 + sales tax
Considering other places sell pre-made flower arrangements for $50+ for around the same size, I think I was able to create a create piece for less.
I did buy some navy blue spray paint thinking I would paint the owl piece navy instead of keeping it white. I’m still undecided on that. I’m not sure how the navy blue would look with my black counter top in my office so right now I’m just going to leave it white.
What do you think? Should I paint it a color to match my color scheme or leave it white?
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There did you find the vase?