After seeing the design changes Heather, Moritz Fine Designs, created for Koupon Karen and Stretching a Buck, I decided I was ready for a change. Boy, I got one alright!
I would highly recommend Heather as she was quick and responsive to my blog design needs! She is now open for Word Press designs. I hope you like the changes as much as I do!
There was only one concern and it the charcoal background. Personally, I don’t mind it and it isn’t hard on my eyes but since this is about YOU, could you fill out this quick survey and let me know what you think! I’ve only had one person say it was hard to read but it probably depends on factors like the resolution, type of browser, operating system, etc. I don’t want anyone leaving because they can’t read. So please take the quick survey, which has a couple of other questions as well.
I love it! I usually use my reader, and was pleasantly surprised when I clicked over today! I especially love the favicon! I’m down with Charcoal.
Someone got a makeover!! If you want my 2 cents and really that is all it is worth – Charcoal around the header is fine and LOVE the blue/green of the nav bar, but I think I would keep below the nav bar white. But that is just a matter of taste – IT LOOKS FAB either way!!
.-= lynn´s last blog ..FREE Martha Stewart Magazine – HURRY! =-.
Good point! I may have to experiment with the side bar colors and such! I did go ahead and make the content white background again! :) Apparently, the world isn’t ready for charcoal backgrounds yet! ;)
Visibility’s mostly fine, but I find the charcoal unappealing, and something about the header’s positioning is funny. It covers some of the main site in FF, and doesn’t quite line up in FF or IE. I think maybe there’s not enough contrast with the colors? Anyway, I’m both picky, and not great with web design myself, so don’t think too much of the criticism.
actually I should add…that the blue color (under coupon sources) is easier to read then the white..maybe the white is to light? Can the white be brighter? the new look, colors are great together. I’ll admit its a bit harder to read..but I’m getting used to it.
FYI, you have the “Favorite Blog Features” question twice in the survey – not sure if that was intentional or not …
I acn read it just fine- think it looks great!!!
I like the site very much, but the background makes it hard to read. On the other hand, my eyes have always had trouble with multiple colors
I really like the header and layout! The background looks really good with text the color of your “hottest deals” but some of the other text is a bit harder to read.
.-= momondealz´s last blog ..Kroger Deals =-.