Buying in bulk is a great way to save money on certain items. Buying in bulk is a recipe for financial disaster! There are certain items that are great for bulk purchases and other items you should probably avoid. Let’s face it you probably don’t need 4-gallon tub of mayonnaise.
So what items should you purchase? I have a list of items I purchase in bulk. Keep in mind that prices are going to vary based on location and what store you are shopping at. The best way to see if you are getting a good deal is to check the unit price.
Here is an example of how to check the unit price:
A bulk box of cereal costs: $5.99
There is 64 oz. in the box
$5.99 divided by 64 oz = .09 cents per ounce
You do have to do a little math to figure out what is a good deal and what isn’t but it really is worth the time.
What Items to Buy in Bulk
Dried Beans and Pasta
Dried beans and pasta are excellent items to have in your pantry. These items take up very little room and you can use them in a variety of dishes. Dried beans and pasta are also great to have on hand when you need a quick side dish. Pasta has a shelf life of about two years and beans will last about a year.
Paper Products
I will often stock up on toilet paper, paper towels and any other paper products that I might need. Coupons and rock bottom sales are hard to come by with these types of items. I have found that buying paper products in bulk tends to save me more money than using a coupon. This a great time to break out the calculator and check the unit price!
There are some great deals on diapers when you combine sales and coupons. However, we all know these sales don’t come around as quickly as we use diapers. I will often check Amazon or Costco to see what the unit price is for buying diapers in bulk. More times than not I can score a great price buying diapers in bulk.
Cereal isn’t something I buy in bulk that often since you can score some almost free deals. However, if you have a large family or don’t coupon cereal is a great thing to buy in bulk. A normal size box of cereal can sale for $3.99 or more! You can pick up a bulk box of cereal for $5.99 and get a great unit price. If you have a large family or eat a lot of cereal, you won’t have to worry about it going bad.
Chicken and Ground Beef
If you are willing to spend the time separating and packing bulk meat into smaller servings, you can save a lot of money here. Coupons for fresh meat are not easily found. Buying bulk packages of chicken and ground beef is the perfect way to stock up at a great price and really slash your grocery budget.
Zaycon is another great way to score bulk amounts of chicken, ground beef, fish, bacon and much more for rock bottom prices