Credit scores are incredibly important. If you have applied for a loan to buy a home or open a credit card, the lender has used your credit score as part of the factor to determine your creditworthiness. Just a few little mistakes or bad financial decisions can start you down the road towards bad credit. This is why tracking your credit score on a regular basis can be so important.
Tracking your credit score on a regular basis will allow you to better understand the fluctuations in your score and avoid any surprises down the road. Surprises can be costly especially if you are preparing to make a large purchase like a new home or a new car. Your credit score is a very important number that can cost you or save you thousands over the long haul.
Discover Cardmembers: Track your FICO® Credit Score for free over 12 months
Needless to say, the announcement that Discover has recently launched a program to allow cardmembers to track up to a year of their FICO® Credit Scores for free is exciting news. Discover is the first major credit card issuer to proactively provide free FICO® Scores on cardmembers’ monthly statements. With the addition of the ability to track up to a year of credit scores, it will allow cardmembers to better comprehend the movement in their score.
With Discover’s FICO® Score for free offering, cardmembers:
- Can view up to a year’s history of their FICO® Credit Scores
- Receive key factors from their credit history impacting their scores – available online
The new feature will provide reasons from FICO® behind each score in one easy-to-read chart on a monthly basis. Just another reason to love being a Discover Cardmember.
Are you preparing for any large purchases in the future? Will you be checking your monthly FICO® Scores?
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My views are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Discover Products Inc. and its affiliates. This post was sponsored by Discover Card. Rest assured, this Post was written by me and was not edited by the sponsor. Read more on my Disclosure Policy.