When I was little, pickle juice was a rare treat that we kids got to share in when the pickles were all gone. In fact, we looked forward to it much like the occasional ice cream truck that rode through our neighborhoods. Now, all these years later, I am finding out that pickle juice is actually good for you as well! How cool is that?
Five Pickle Juice Uses You Will Love
Here are five awesome uses for pickle juice that might surprise you but you are sure to love:
Make more pickles!
Needless to say, reproducing some more pickles is the ultimate use for pickle juice. Most people don’t realize that all you have to do is chop up some cucumbers and put them in the juice. Place the jar in the back of the fridge and wait for a couple of weeks and you will have the best natural pickles ever. Add onions for extra yummy flavor.
The Ultimate Meat Marinade
Mix up your pickle juice with olive oil, sea salt, peppers and onions and you will have the ultimate meat marinade. It breaks down the sinew and particularly helps with tougher cuts of meat. You will be shocked at how tasty your meat will be after soaking in this marinade for a day or so.
Make a mouth-watering dip
Take a jug of yogurt and add in the pickle juice. Again, you might want to add some cooked spinach, onions, garlic or chopped tomatoes for flavor, but to me the pickle juice and yogurt is awesome all by itself as a dip for potato chips or crackers.
Make the ultimate potato salad
When you mix up your ingredients, simply add the pickles for flavor. This will make the potato salad a bit tangy, but most people seem to like that added flavor. The mixture of potato and tang is awesome and will keep them coming back for seconds all day!
Pour it on a burn
Nothing proven here but it is an old wive’s tale that pickle juice can eliminate the pain in a minor burn or even a jellyfish burn. Those that have used it in this manner swear by it but I could find no scientific evidence backing it up.
Drink it
There has been a huge controversy over the past year of the benefits of drinking pure pickle juice. The truth is, nobody truly knows for sure. That said, there are thousands if not millions of people that say it helps with arthritis, dehydration, pain, gout and countless other things. I have seen nothing that says it hurts you in any way other than possibly being bad for high blood pressure. (high salt content) Bottom line, it seems to have a great deal of benefits to some people.
What ways do you use pickle juice? Which pickle juice uses are most effective for you?
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Pickle juice is good for you to drink, the fermented food juice is great for your gut flora. Funny how people will down the chemicals in our everyday foods and not fret but someone says something about pickle juice and they all freak out. LOL
This are great, unique tips! Especially the one about marinating meat in it. Thanks :)