Recently, My Blog Spark, sent us the new Swiffer Wet Jet to try out and I’m loving the dual nozzle spray and ease of use of the new design. I also received another Swiffer Wet Jet as part of my “Swag” at the Social Luxe Lounge and I’m going to share that one with one of YOU!
One lucky winner will receive a Swiffer Wet Jet!
How to Win?
Easy Entry: Leave me a comment on this post with your stickiest cleaning challenge.
Bonus entries (Up to 4 additional entries):
- Comment on my full review: Swiffer Wet Jet Possible
- Blog about this giveaway.
- Grab my button or widget from my sidebar and put on your blog/website.
- Subscribe to my free newsletter via email or RSS. (You don’t want to miss out on any deals/giveaways!!!)
- Use my “Tell a Friend” Widget to share with a friend via email, Stumble, Digg, etc.
Leave a separate comment for each extra entry. It is very important that you leave a separate comment for each additional extra entry.
Ends around 8/28/2009 at 11:59 EST. (As long as you can still comment you can enter!) Winner, chosen by, will be announced on the Giveaway Winners Page by 08/29/09 and I will contact you shortly. (If winner doesn’t respond to my email within 48 hours, I will pick another winner.)
Want to win more? Enter to win the rest of my current giveaways!
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My stickiest mess was the night that 2 of my boys got up at 3 in the morning and broke eggs all over the kitchen floor…then climbed like little angels back into bed…what a mess that was!!
mellisarock at yahoo dot com
Thanks for offering this contest. Hope we win.
our kids juice and milk cups are always leaking on the floor
Cha Ching Queen
subscribed by email. thanks, clallen @ ntin . net
my stickiest cleaning challenge is the floor under the dining room table. thanks! clallen at ntin dot net
My old wet jet just doesn’t want to work anymore!
I need one right now with a mashed potato spill on the kitchen floor!
Probably just not taking care of the problem right away – with my health I have a bad tendency to not quite pay attention, and by the time I either notice or is a regular time to clean – brr!
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My stickiest situation….in the summertime, ice pops dripping on the kitchen floor. Thanks for the review and giveaway
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I always have the kids or the hubby spill tea infront of my refrig. i always have to mop that everyday.. i hate getting the water and the mop out for it.
my stickiest challenge is my 4 kids, with all hardwood floors they are always spilling something. I am always on my hands and knees trying to clean up after them..
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Syrup on my kitchen floor is the hardest mess to clean up. It doesn’t help that I have a 2 year-old who thinks it’s funny to step on the sticky syrup. :)
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i commented on the swiffer review
The kitchen floor by the table is always a sticky mess with two kids and a husband who get more on the floor than in their months
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The stickiest mess would be applesauce under the fridge. We didn’t get all the first time….. And then there’s the 4 year old and the 1.5 year old. :)
Stumbled: hillfam2005
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Ice cream messes are definitely the worst.
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We have such a problem with our tile floors which is about 50% of the house. I can vacuum and clean the floors everyday and still have so much dirt so this swiffer would be great.
Spill proof sippy cups still leak….:(
My toddler wont stop making messes!!!
The hardwood floor under the high chair……..3 times a day!!!!
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I broke a jar of salsa. Not super sticky but not fun.
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My stickiest challenge is when I’m making my homemade relish and it splashes from the pot (while boiling) and gets on my floor. The mixture of cucumber juice and sugar is soooooo sticky.
Awesome give away!
Would be WONDERFUL for my new tile kitchen!
The bathroom. I have a husband and little boys.
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The stickest mess I’ve had in my kitchen was when I was working on an art project. My group spilled spray can paint and it was so hard to get up!!
My stickiest mess comes from one of my dogs. He’ll get sick, but never from food. It’s just stomach bile. No need to elaborate. (sorry – really didn’t mean to gross anyone out.)
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Orange juice all over and around the fridge….so sticky!
it’s usually spilled juice or cola on the kitchen floor, tough to get non-sticky again
my stickest job is my two new puppies i have bonnie and clyde they dont seem to like the outside grass to much ughhhh !!!!!
An open bottle of syrup fell out of our fridge when I opened it up, and I got stuck with cleaning the mess up.
Great review of it! I had one SEVERAL years ago and it wasnt worth it, but looks like it hsa been majorlyimproved, and would love to have one :) I like your boas too lol…
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My messiest situation is anything my kids eat because with a 1 yr old and a 2 1/2 year old, I always have half a meal on the floor! Pasta sauce is the worse! And yesterday I made the mistake of letting them try marshamellows!
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We live on a farm and my mudroom is my challenge.
My stickiest challenge was when my son opened his bottle of milk and spilled all over the floor. I didn’t realize it had spilled until about an hour later . It was gross.
My kid hided a whole opened bottle of syrup under the couch, ewww…
Cleaning up around my dogs water bowl is the dirtiest job. He gets a drink and slobbers it all over the floor and all through the kitchen.
I commented on my full review: Swiffer Wet Jet Possible.
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We just moved to a new place, the prior people who lived here before us were fry happy peopl,e grease everywhere on cabinets,floors and the stickiest challenge is getting the floors clean without having to get on my hands and knees with a brush to scrub them.
How about dried pop that had exploted in freezer and leaked all the way through the freezer,Fridge, and onto the floor!
When I was a newlywed (five years ago), I began a painting project. When I went to the basement closet to find the paint, I discovered a 5 gallon pail of paint that had been oozing (apparently for some time) onto the basement floor and everything else surrounding. It took an entire day to clean up as the paint seemed to multiply rather than disappear. After my ordeal, I told my new husband about what I had done that day. He sheepishly admitted that he knew about the paint spill already, but had been so busy that he hadn’t had a chance to clean it up. He was grateful that I had!
I have teenagers now but when my girls were younger I’d find some of the stickiest messes imaginable on our poor kitchen floors. Lollipops, melted popcicles, juice, carmel dip, honey & dried ketchup just to name a few. They would attempt to clean it themselves & make an even larger mess! I love your site! Keep up the great work!
I love you site! Keep up the great work! I would love to try the new Swiffer, thanks for this giveaway!
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I have a really hard time keeping my kitchen floor clean. I’m a messy cook and I have 2 4-year old boys that spill things constantly!
apple juice on kitchen floor when a sippy cup lid was not on correctly.
soda that spilled under the table; still sticky after use of a regular mop.
Your review is succinct and incisve, and really captures what I want and need to know before laying out money for this Swiffer. Nice job.
email subscriber
I once had a frozen strawberry melt into my floor (under the table, hidden by the position of the table leg) then dry there. That was the stickiest thing I had ever touched.
That would be my kitchen floor. With 4 kids, a grandchild, and a cat, not to mention a husband who occasionally spills lemonade, my floor takes a beating.
I have hardwood floors and a Basset Hound that loves to droll and drag his ears in his food and water. Talk, about a sticky mess! Would love to be able to use a Swiffer Wetjet. Thanks fo the chance to enter.
I’m an e-mail subscriber. jenmizener at gmail dot com
Okay, so I’m stuck in the eighties with my hairspray. I use aerosol hairspray and the floor in my bathroom gets really sticky!!! jenmizener at gmail dot com
Wow. One time one of my sponges came apart and the glue that had held it together got all over EVERYTHING! It was SO hard to get it off. Yikes.
Im an email subscriber of yours !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your review made me wanna go get a new Swiffer Wet Jet…….nice job ….!!
My stickiest mess was a pot of hot cocoa that spilled/broke on the floor….I swear the floor is still sticky !!!!!!!
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I left a comment on the review blog post. ;)
My stickiest mess is my toddler who always spills food and drinks in my kitchen.
I don’t know why, but it seems that my other 2 comments were deleted :(
I subscribe via email and the pics are cute
I just blogged about your giveaway.
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apple juice on my grout.. sticky
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slcremer at gmail dot com
I left a jar of jam on the table after breakfast one morning. When I came back into the kitchen my then 18 mo daughter was sitting on the kitchen table holding the jar and using her hand to eat the jelly from the jar. Apparently I had not tightened the lid all of the way. She was covered in blackberry jam. Thankfully, she was dressed in only a diaper, but that was a mess!
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Great review. Love the picture, you look like you are having TOO much fun. LOL
The stickiest I remember is a bottle of honey. That was a chore!
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Kool Aid on my new micro suede couch! Im still working on trying to get it out.
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My worse mess is the handles of my stainless steel refrigerator. It is always nasty and easily seen.
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My stickiest mess was when my toddler got ahold of a glue stick recently and decided to draw everywhere with it.
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My boyfriend leaves empty frozen lemonade tubes dripping allll over the place! Eww.
The worst kitchen mess I had was when my daughter tried to carry 4 raw eggs to the counter and dropped all of them.
Well, I tripped over the cat and spilled pancakes with syrup on the floor. Tended to my bumps and when I got back to the mess, the ants had already moved in!
I used the Tell and Share feature and Facebooked and Twittered your giveaway lvn777 at charter dot net
My stickiest challenge is my 3 year old girl sticks stickers on the floor and once peeling them off after being their awhile-the sticky is still there-NASTY stickers! lvn777 at charter dot net Thanks for the giveaway always wanted to try this out, but i’m too cheap to purchase.
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My stickest cleaning challenge is soda or juice spilled on the counters and the floor.
tweet, thanks!
Read your full review and realized, what I have experience with is an original issue Swiffer. Had to laugh when you added that your floor was so clean it was slippery. You’ve just empowered me to insist that my floor is safe and skidproof .
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I commented on the Swiffer Wet Jet Possible post
My biggest challenge is when my grandsons eat! They seem to get more sticky stuff on the floor than in their mouth! This would really be handy.
a 2 year old + a juice box of apple juice + shaking upside down on wood floors – that says it all :)
Spilled soda that went underneath and went unnoticed for awhile.
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DS spilled a bottle of bubbles on our kitchen floor.
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Pretty Stickers all over the floor — such as nice 4 year old!!! That was fun!!!
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thank you!
Because I am a big dummy, I chose to put white tile with white grout in my kitchen. It was, quite possibly, the worst decision I’ve ever made. It is impossible to keep clean. I think this would really help me.
Thank you~
Well, the worst RECENT mess was a cake of pop that went everywhere in, on, and around the fridge. I’m still finding sticky spots!
Stickiest (yuckiest) mess . . . my 8-year-old son still has not perfected his aim in the bathroom! EEWWW!!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
One toddler and 3 teenagers!!
I really would have loved the new Swiffer Wet jet when my niece spilled cake batter with contained nuts and honey. What a mess.
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Gum can be a real mess.
Other messes are grape juice and syrup.
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Great giveaway, thanks.
I have had tons of sticky messes including my kids gum, dirt, and cool aid.
Just got a new puppy, will come in handy.
Glue. Hubby dropped glue on the hardwood floors and it was a mess.
My trickiest cleaning challenge is our shower. We have super hard water and between the soap scum and hard water deposits it just never looks good.
Your review of the new Swiffer Wet Jet definitely makes me want to get one. The old knees and back don’t like it when I get down to scrub the floor.
I’m a subscriber via Google Reader.
My stickiest challenge would be when a soft drink explodes and the droplets get in places you don’t think of until they harden and have other things stuck to them.
Every time the dog comes in from outside on a wet day.
He loves to dry off his muddy feet on my kitchen floor and I hate cleaning it three times a day. This would be so much easier.
I have an old style WetJet and would love to try the new style!
Also, I emailed my sister with your widget via an email.
Thanks very much…..Cindi
I am an email subscriber to your site!
Again, many thanks…..Cindi
I read and commented on your full review of this Swiffer product.
Thanks, Cindi
Juice! It doesn’t matter whether it is apple, orange, cranberry, etc.
When juice is spilled and splattered in our home, it seems as though
I am finding it somewhere for at least a week!
Many thanks, Cindi
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My most stickest challenge is named Hope. She is my 4 yr old daughter and is my biggest challenge out of 5 children. Anywhere she touches, I have to go behind her and clean up. She likes to clean up to but of course, her messes are usually sticky and needs a little elbow grease to get it up.
Kool_aid and any saoda spilled in the fridge and below the fridge is the worst after it has sat for a while!
My stickiest mess is my foyer in general because the grout between the tiles is deteriorating into dust that never seems to want to go away. Thanks for the chance!
When my kids spill juice is definently the worst!
Spilled yogurt + a mobile baby + two cats. Ewww.
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I’ve been wanting to t ry the new one. Thanks!
I have 3 cats and could keep my floor much cleaner with the new Wet Jet!!
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My stickiest challenge was about a month ago. My fiance had a whole pack of gum in his pocket of his work pants and threw them in the washer with a full load of clothes. The gum got all over EVERYTHING. It was terrible! We had just purchased our new washer a week before this occurred and it was all over the inside of the washer as well as the clothes! Thank goodness for Mr. Clean Magic Erasers! They saved my washer.
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My wonderful son when he was little spilt a very large bottle of liquid Cheer on the carpet and curtains. It took forever to clean up.
I have a toddler….need I say more?
With having three little ones running around my house, I always have a sticky situation on hand. It usuall is a toss up between peanut butter to Chocolate…The worst probably being the peanut butter crackers which my crazy little two year old decided that it would look beautiful grounded up on the tile.
The bathrooms around the toilets, when the boys have been in there!
I needed it this week when I dropped a jar of tartar sauce (full) on the brick floor. It would have made the cleanup much easier!
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I would have loved it this weekend when I spilled a very messy (but flavorful) beef stock on the kitchen floor!
Coke spilled and ran under the fridge. Sticky mess.
Most definately would be karo…we fed Jake whole milk and karo…oh my, the messes….
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At our house, there is always dried milk stuck to the rungs of the chairs from some unknown milk spill. It is almost impossible to remove without a chisel!
Love your picture! :0) We have 2 long haired furry cats, we need this device! I tend to agree with you, I love the idea of the 2 nozzles to spray the solution, very good idea.
Kool-aid that spilled in the fridge and on the floor that no one cleaned up!
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wonderful review and love the picture with your colorful bowas while holding your swiffer wet jets ;-)
my stickiest cleaning challenge was a full bottle of syrup that had leaked out of the fridge side door and ran up under the fridge which was almost impossible to clean up under neath!
My stickiest mess….leftover granite glue on my kitchen, tile floor!! I’ve tried everything to get it up :(