Time management is something that we all struggle with. Ironically, it is usually due to the same six mistakes. It often will seem like you have plenty of time, but then when the deadline for your project or task is up, you find yourself coming up short. Do you feel like you have absolutely no time on your hands?
If so, take a look at the following six mistakes and see if you recognize any of them in your own life:
Improper Goal Setting
This is when you set goals that are either unrealistic or unattainable. It used to be that motivational speakers would say to set the goals as high as possible….even if you could not reach them. The theory was that people would reach ever higher when they met too low goals. The truth is, people are going to be more efficient and successful if they set goals that are attainable. This lets their confidence grow and they will quickly set new goals to reach for.
Allowing Too Many Distractions
If you are running out of time constantly, then there is a good chance that some things are getting in the way. Perhaps you are allowing distractions to enter the situation? Maybe you are letting your child play at your feet while you try to get that meeting organized. Maybe a constantly ringing phone is keeping you from getting your work done. Whatever the distractions, eliminate them where you can. Your time management will improve.
Superman Complex (Or Superwoman)
This one is self explanatory. Do you try to do everything and not use your delegation skills? This is applicable for business, home and friendships. Spread the wealth and let others help.
Not Getting Proper Rest
Rest is the key to any time management success. If you are constantly tired and burning the candle at both ends, you will never be productive. Schedule your breaks and time away so that you are better equipped to deal on a daily basis.
Biting Off Too Much At One Time
When you try to organize your time, you want to measure out small bits of the job at a time. Why put all of it on your plate at once and then simply overwhelm yourself? That will never get the job done properly. Commit to doing a little bit at a time and then take on the next task.
Putting Things Off
Procrastination. It is the number one reason why we lose time and find ourselves wondering where it all went. Don’t ever put off something that can be done right now when it is coming due. Get it done and move on and you will soon realize that there is less to do on a regular basis.
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