September is National Preparedness Month. I will be joining the Clorox Company and Consumer Queen along with several other bloggers to help spread the word about Emergency Preparedness. Are you prepared?
Disasters can happen quickly without warning as we have seen with the Wild Fires in the West and the Tennessee flooding to name a couple most recent disasters. The most important steps to staying safe is being prepared BEFORE an emergency occurs. Many of the items you would need in the case of an emergency, can be stockpiled for cheap or free when you watch the sales and utilize your coupons.
An important part of the emergency preparedness is building a comprehensive emergency preparedness kit. Maybe, not quite Y2K stock up but it is always a good idea to have several key items. Here’s a good starting point:
- Water (minimum three day supply for evacuations, two week supply for home)washing and drinking)
- Non-perishable foods (minimum three day supply for evacuations, two week supply for home)
- Assorted battery pack (purchase the pack that provides a variety of battery sizes so that you’re prepared no matter the need)
- Flashlight
- Multipurpose tool
- First aid kit
- Medications (at least a 7 day supply)
- Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio if possible)
- Extra clothing
- Sanitation and personal hygiene items
- Cell phone with chargers
- Family and emergency contact information
- Extra cash
- Emergency blanket
- Map(s) of the area
- Copies of important documents – In case of emergency, you’ll need copies of birth records, household lease or deed, medications list, passports and insurance policies
- Household liquid bleach
Did you know bleach, like Clorox Liquid Bleach, can not only disinfect surfaces but also can be used to create drinkable water?
- To Disinfect Surfaces: Use 1/4 cup bleach to 1 gallon of water, or as directed on the label, to disinfect hard, non-porous surfaces in your home.
- To Disinfect Water: If you need to purify water during an emergency, (and do not have the means to boil it for 3-5 minutes), you may disinfect your water using bleach. If water is clear, add 8 drops (1/8 tsp.) of bleach per gallon of water. If water is cloudy, add 16 drops (1/4 tsp.) of bleach per gallon of water. Mix the solution thoroughly and let it stand for about 30 minutes before using it. Properly treated water should have a slight chlorine odor. If it doesn’t, repeat dosage and allow water to stand an additional 15 minutes. The treated water can be made drinkable by pouring it between clean containers several times.
You may be able to find a pre-assembled emergency preparedness kit that will have a good starting foundation for the supplies you need. Disaster can happen anywhere so you will want to have a full kit at home and either a full or partial kit at your work or in your vehicle. Be sure to let your entire family know of the kit, its contents, and the location so your entire family is prepared!
For more information please visit and download the preparedness guide: Prepare Yourself Now for Peace of Mind Later.
I have three children ages 16-7 years of age. I would like to implement an emergency plan.
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As a public safety educator (with both my local fire department and as a Safe Kids coalition leader), I am SO pleased to see you helping spread the word about Emergency Preparedness!! SO many families are caught off guard when disaster strikes and it really does just take a few simple steps.
No, I don’t. But I DO have two backpacks full of a change of clothing, snacks, and water.
Do you have a Emergency Plan in place? Nope. I do have most of the items on hand anyway, but not in one place. And I’m in a hurricane prone area. Whoops :(
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Don’t have one – it’s a mix of procrastination and lack of space.
I have been working on a plan and kit, but neither is completely ready! This is a good reminder!
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I do not have an emergency plan…I think my husband and I need to get one together though.
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mearley1979 at gmail dot com
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mearley1979 at gmail dot com
We don’t have a plan yet, but we should!
mearley1979 at gmail dot com
I like you on Facebook- Mary Happymommy
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We have a hurricane plan in place. We would go to my parents’ – much better than a hotel or shelter!
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Wow, I was very surprised to read about Clorox bleach to make drinkable water. Very cool. I am going to get on this emergency preparedness kit. thanks for the info.
I’m an email subscriber, coriwestphal at msn dot com.
coriwestphal at msn dot com
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coriwestphal at msn dot com
I’m ashamed to say we have NO emergency plans! Yikes! But thanks for bringing the topic up for people to think about. I better get moving!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
We have somewhat of an emergency plan. A lot more planning needs to be done.
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Just tweeted! @wendiesioux
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Don’t have one yet, but thinking about it and need to get one.
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barbara.montyj at gmail dot com
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Like you on Facebook Barbara Montag
barbara.montyj at gmail dot com
No I do not have an Emergency Plan in place.
This post makes me realize that I need one.
Thanks a bunch for the giveaway!
barbara.montyj at gmail dot com
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I like Bargain Briana on FB. My FB username is Shawna OBrien
Yes, we do have an emergency plan in place, but I’m sure it could be improved and drilled into my older son more.
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I tweeted for you!! Frugal FL (frugal Floridians)
I don’t have a plan.
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I actually do not have one in place but I should.
we have a simple plan and fire escape ladders
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Our only plan is what road we would walk home in case cars are not avail. That way we know where to find the other if something were to happen during working hours.
I don’t have a plan, but there’s not a lot that can happen in our little valley. Flooding maybe. I guess it’s made us lazy. I do think we definitely need one, just in case!
I had already started collecting items for my emergency kit…but now I feel an urgency to complete it!
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We have a pretty vague plan about redevous points, but we do have documents/food/water, etc.
I tweeted this giveaway! @CarolMyers
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We have a generator , a gas grill, I have stockpiled water and canned goods. We live in hurricane country, so we try to stay informed. We also have first aid kits in the car, boat and house. Know matter how prepared you think you are, it always helps to do more!
My family already had the shell of an Emergency Plan in place, but this gave me so many new ideas to make it complete. Thank you!
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I’m living in a dorm, but that hasn’t stopped me from developing an emergency plan of my own. I have a spare backpack tucked away with everything I would need to make a hasty escape if the need should arise for me to get away from campus. My parents and I have established pick-up locations in case of emergency and have discussed plans about keeping in contact should the usual lines of communication be rendered unavailable. I feel safe, despite not living at home.
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I don’t have an emergency plan in place, but I know I should!
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FB fan@tcarolinep JessieKatie S
We have one in place.
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jackievillano at gmail dot com
The only plan we have is if we have to leave the house, where we would meet. We do have water stocked, but I think we should have more supplies on hand. Thanks for the post and giveaway!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
Oops, I just read where it says you can enter 4 times with the 4 different methods. So never mind about the daily tweet question. :-D
Thanks so much!
Is this a daily tweet or one-time only?
Tweeted @countrynest
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I have a plan in place, but I do need to add to it, thanks.
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No, we don’t…thanks for making me think about it and put a plan into effect.
Like BB on FB
No I don’t have one in place
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Yes, I have plans for many different emergencies.
I have “liked” Bargain Briana on Facebook (Elizabeth Carmen)
No, I do not have an emergency plan in place, so this is a great reminder!
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We only have a fire plan, and an out of state number to call in case of ermegency. We need to do much more preparing!
Yes. Its hurricane season.
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No we don’t! Thanks for this article- it really got me thinking to take some action incase something happens.
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My plan involves phone calls to my parents or jumping in the car and going there!
facebook fan (Mari Doug)
Just tweeted your giveaway… . Thanks again for offering! :)
email subscriber.
Yes, we do. However, I leave it to my dh to be calm and collected in crisis situations. I tend to get a bit flustered.
I subscribe to your emails. :) I look forward to them everyday…good stuff! :)
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We don’t currently have a plan in place, but we are going to be adopting through Foster Care, and that is one of the things they require as you do your home study. I honestly never gave it much thought before, so I was super glad to see your article! Thanks for putting this together, and making this such a cool giveaway! :)
We have a semi simple plan… but a lot of this information make me think I need to revisit it and add some stuff!!