Extreme Frugalness. Tight, cheap, stingy? You know what I’m talking about and personally, I love it.
– Practicing or marked by economy, as in the expenditure of money or the use of material resources.
– Most remote in any direction; outermost or farthest: the extreme edge of the field.
– Being in or attaining the greatest or highest degree; very intense:
As you may know, I was recently at a Blogging Conference called Blissdom. At this conference, I had quite the opportunity to come across many, many frugal bloggers. We shared stories, tips, and laughs. As well as bringing in our water/water bottles, snacks (purchased by coupons of course!), using stranger’s condiment packages left on their trays (did that really happen?), and taking advantage of all the included meals and snacks included in our conference package.
At the same time the Blissdom Conference was going on, the Tea Party Convention was going on right next door. Lovely people but I heard rumors they kept drifting over to our Expo Hall and taking advantage of our treats! Frugal or Cheap?
My confession. Every day I would take the little bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and soaps in my bathroom so the housekeeping staff would put more out. These tiny little bottles make nice little returning home gifts for my kids or donations to shelters at no additional cost to me.My frugal friends tell me this is perfectly acceptable to them, but to the rest of the world?
Now it’s your turn.
You know you have a confession to make. To what extremes have you gone to save a buck this week or in the past?
Link up or leave a comment. Leave it anonymously if you want – we won’t tell!
yes, yes. We all do it. I too take the occaisional sweetner – they come in the same packaging in the box!! I just have holders for them or pic out the plasticy ones because the make a mess in your purse. And of course I take the bottle s bc really, if you stay there one night the charge u X and in that is a set of toiletries. You stay there 2 nights and they charge you x2, so they are charging you twice for the bottles. so TAKE EM. .. just not the robe – they charge for that.. ;)
We love to go to the dog show when it's in town and walk around getting dog food samples at all the booths. I just mix them into my regular big bag of dog food to make it last longer. And the dogs enjoy the variety!
I must admit I do the same thing. If I am in the restaurant I always grab more than I would use in the drink and leave them in the car for another time or take them home to use. The single size condiments I order them also and pack them in my husbands lunch. (Along with the plastic forks etc.) He loves them and all the guys at work know that he always has a stash and come to him when they are out! :)
Does anyone still use Brillo or SOS pads in this modern day and age? Well I do, and before I get one wet I cut it in half! That way, if I don't need it all, I don't lose the remaining pad to rust!!!!
In a snow storm.
Making my DH return some cans of tomatoes to Kroger b/c they weren't on the list I gave him and he paid too much!
I agree. That was a sticker shock that wasn't advertised properly during reservations!
When QOF said that she requests splenda at the drive thrus (good idea) that made me think that I always ask for ketchup, mustard, or any types of sauces when I go to a drive thru then I use those at home. It saves on having to buy it. I also have a stash at work too. When people leave packets in our break room, I happily pick them up and keep them in a baggie at my desk. I also use walmart (or which ever plastic bag I pull out) as trash bags for the bathroom, lunch bags for work, I also use them to wrap my toiletries in when I travel so if something busts…its contained in that bag and not on my clothes!
Confession: My husband or I grab a small pile of napkins when we go out to eat (our little guy is messy though), and we take them home and put them on our table if we don't use them all!
Confession #2: While adding my own papers to recycle, I have grabbed coupons out of the recycle bin at the grocery store parking lot. One time I got 15 sets and made a bit of money selling sets on eBay!
Confession #3: I sometimes justify the “I'm a mom and I didn't get a shower” today as frugality when really I was just lazy.
Confession #4: I have a little trash can in my kitchen with the Kroger/Walmart/etc grocery sacks in it because I can't find a cheap enough deal on the tall kitchen bags. It's annoying to take out the trash so often but I'm too cheap to pay full price.
I could keep going, but I think I should stop now. :)
When we had our baby friends told us to get as many diapers out of the hospital as possible so when they would bring in the cart we would empty it and request a refill. We had enough when we got home with our bundle of joy to last about a week.
LOL :) Too funny!
Oh my goodness. How many times did I drive around that parking lost gasping at the $18/day to park yourself sign!!!??? I think I probably wasted $60 in gas just flipping out about the fact that I had to pay that much to park at a hotel I was paying to stay at. You would have thought we were in New York or Chicago!
I've been known to ask for things like Splenda even when I'm not ordering a beverage through the drive thru. But only if we're completely out at home. ;)
Um this made me giggle. Congrats on your “new” nuptials.
Oh, i wish I had my Blissdom Frugal Fashionista post done…I would definitely link up to your readers for a new look at Extreme Frugal Confessions…
love this post! :)
I definitely think it's ok to take the little bottles of shampoo and what not from hotels. Those things are part of the cost they calculate when coming up with rates anyways!
I took an entire ALL YOU magazine from my OB's office. It was a couple months old and was addressed to an OB that wasn't even there anymore. I intended to cut out the coupons I wanted then return it but never got around to the returning it part. I've also taken the 20% Gymboree coupons out of magazines at my OB's office. ::blush::
I don't hide the shampoos and toiletry items provided to get extras, but I do bring home the one set they provide for my stay. I keep that at the house for when I need to travel light (camping) or if the kids are going somewhere. I usually take my own big shampoo with me when I travel, unless its just an overnight. I do bring home the coffee pack they provide too. My family doesn't drink coffee, so I keep those packs on hand for any company or overnight guests that do. I think we are paying for those nicities with our room rental. But the Tea Partiers that were coming over to eat your snacks……well that is just wrong.
I don't hide the shampoos and toiletry items provided to get extras, but I do bring home the one set they provide for my stay. I keep that at the house for when I need to travel light (camping) or if the kids are going somewhere. I usually take my own big shampoo with me when I travel, unless its just an overnight. I do bring home the coffee pack they provide too. My family doesn't drink coffee, so I keep those packs on hand for any company or overnight guests that do. I think we are paying for those nicities with our room rental. But the Tea Partiers that were coming over to eat your snacks……well that is just wrong.
I have also taken coupons out of a magazine in a waiting room…and embarrassed my husband who told me not to “steal their coupons.” It was a 2-month old issue in a mechanic's shop…I seriously doubt anyone else wanted them. :P
As for the toiletries…most hotels toss what's in there and put out new every day anyhow if you've used any of it at all, so I see nothing wrong with hiding it so you make sure you get new. :)
A few weeks back, Target sent me a “Congratulations on getting married!” mailer, along with a coupon that said “Register with Target and we'll give you a $20 gift card!”. Well, I'm NOT getting married. I already AM married. I have no idea where they got my name. But…. I registered and got the gift card anyways.
I take coupons out of the magazines at the Dentist's office. You can tell these magazines have been read by many, many people and no one takes the coupons. I don't rip any important pages to get to them. The coupons deserve to be used!