Extreme Frugalness. Tight, cheap, stingy? You know what I’m talking about and personally, I love it.
– Practicing or marked by economy, as in the expenditure of money or the use of material resources.
– Most remote in any direction; outermost or farthest: the extreme edge of the field.
– Being in or attaining the greatest or highest degree; very intense:
After reading the article on the WSJ.com, “Hard Times Turns Coupon Clipping Into the Newest Extreme Sport,” I was amused. I’m nowhere near as extreme as some of these super savers in the article Jane4Girls, who is shown with her $1,000 grocery saving trip – but I stockpile things we need when there is a good sale.
What do you think?
I agree with most of the above comments. I definitely believe that people should not be greedy when purchasing items for free. I do think we should reserve judgment of those in the article as 1) we don’t know how they obtained their items (maybe they did as Jane4Girls does and pre-ordered through their local store) and 2) the article neglected to mention whether all of the people kept all of the items they purchased or donated to a local food pantry.
I mean, come on, who on Earth could really eat over 1,000 boxes of Jello before it ‘went bad’? Not to mention that you would be so sick of Jello you’d never want to even look at another box. Yikes!
I do stockpile – when my Kroger had their March into Savings sale, over a two week period I bought 8-10 boxes of pasta for free. No, I didn’t buy it all at once and no it wasn’t all the same variety. But…we will eat it all before its 2012 expiration date and be glad to have that extra $8-10 in our bank account.
Having kids is expensive these days (not that they weren’t always pricey) and I am all for saving my family money here or there so – as long as it’s above board.
For me, when I can get a great deal on things that would be free, like the 500 bottles of water, I pre-order from my stores so as not to wipe out the shelves for others.
What that article does not say is that I (not sure with jello tower man) donate tons of stuff. I am a single mom and try to make ends meet any way I can. What I can’t personally use, I donate, giveaway to other single parent,s or barter for other stuff I can’t get free.
When Hurricane Ike hit a few years ago my house was the grocery store. I was able to feed several families for a week from my stockpile because the stores were not open because of wide spread power outages.
.-= jane4girls´s last blog ..BOGO Tropicana Coupon =-.
I think some folks go a little overboard on the freebies and it would be nice if they would let other people get in on the deals. I suspect alot of what they are getting for free is being donated or given to family or friends but, while they are buying stuff to donate, there are others that may NEED it for their family. But, you know, it’s an addictive game – how many of us feel a little rush when we get something for FREE? I had a real problem with wanting to do every little deal when I first started extreme couponing. But now that I’ve got a stockpile, I’ve learned to be judicious.
.-= ThriftyPuppy´s last blog ..Missouri: Why You Should Wait until April 19th to Buy New Appliances =-.
I also agree with what people have said. Its frustrating when there ARE great sales to be had, but if you happen to be shopping after the people they mention in the article, you’ll never get to take advantage of the bargains! I also like the lady who said she takes 5 from every store. She’s willing to make the effort to go to different stores, but does recognize that just because she got there first doesn’t mean she should get ALL of the deals…but she does get enough to make it worth her while. Like the above poster said…everything in moderation!
.-= Just Add Lauren´s last blog ..The beginnings of cake decorating =-.
I happen to agree with everyone here. 1100 boxes of jello is a lot of excess. A few weeks ago I got 5 boxes of pasta for free, but I didn’t get all of the same type, nor did I clear the shelf. I can’t imagine collecting enough of the same coupon to get even 15 of something, let alone 500.
I think that is just plain crazy. Instead of one person getting over 1,000 things of jello for free I would rather 500 people get 2 for free.
My stockpiles are no where near that! I like the one lady said she never clears a shelf, she only got 5 free items from every store she purchased.
1142 boxes of Jello? 500 bottles of flavored water? Even if you donate most of it, that is going a little overboard. I will absolutely stock up on items I can get for free, but I always put 1/3 in my donate box, 1/3 goes to my sister for watching my daughter, and 1/3 goes in the pantry. I think there is a difference between being frugal and being a greedy hoarder just to say you got it all for free.
This is a time where the phrase “everything in moderation” is essential for some context. She’s right in her description of her budget that this is not something you can do overnight, and you have to fine tune strategies to get to that level. That’s why this and other blogs that cultivate the strategies for how to generate real and lasting savings through coupons is so necessary!
I think there’s a line between being a faithful steward with what we have been provided and being a greedy hoarder with more than what we need…
I feel that article explains why people have problems obtaining on sale items. I love to coupon and love a great deal but wow! These people have stockpiled beyond normal. What’s with the jello tower? I know when we get things for free it is nice but share the wealth people!