No matter how hard we try, some folks simply don’t want to eat their veggies. Most folks enjoy them and simply don’t get enough of them. The truth is, few people actually get the right amounts. As for how much you are supposed to get, that depends on a number of factors. The basic idea is to get between four and six cups depending on age, health and other factors. (A handy guide is found here)
Five Tips to Getting Your Daily Servings of Veggies
Once you know how much you should have, how do you fit them in? What do you do if you don’t particularly like veggies? Here are five easy ways to work those veggies in every single day:
Spread them out
Many folks try to sit and eat them all at once and that is not going to be sustainable. Eat a little here and there throughout the day and you will be shocked at how quickly your tally will climb. Vegetables are quite good once you get used to them so give it a chance.
Find your favorites
Variety is good but there is nothing wrong with having your favorite veggies on hand. Try all kinds of vegetables and keep up with the ones that stand out. Usually folks like a few different vegetables and rotate them regularly for variety. Finding favorites is fun!
Have them easily available
If you can reach out and grab them quickly, you will be much more likely to eat them. Nobody wants to go out of their way for veggies most of the time. It is also very tough if you have unhealthy options sitting there also. Keep stocked up with yummy veggies.
Prepare them ahead of time
Those vegetables that require preparation will be much more likely to be eaten if they are prepared ahead of time. Cut up your carrots, cucumbers and the like ahead of time and it is much more likely they will be part of your servings.
Mix them into other favorite meals
If you simply can’t stomach those veggies then you can simply work them into your other meals. Casseroles and countless other meals can easily mask the flavor of veggies if you don’t like them. But…really…who doesn’t like veggies?
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