Okay, I just HAD to have the Ped Egg. No deal, no bargain but I’ve been wanting it and have NEVER seen it on sale. So I just did it.
$38.19 out of pocket and I submitted for $16.97 in rebates = net $21.22 – For $46.93 in product (It is nice that you can do the rebates online – remember it is still one submission per month.) + 10% bonus for requesting a gift card.
I will say I’m not that impressed with the Bio Vegan Shampoo & Conditioner. I wouldn’t ever buy it. It doesn’t make my hair feel silky after washing.
IF you are interested in Walgreen’s deals, check out Mommy Snacks. I’m not going to try to reinvent the wheel here on the Walgreen’s deals. Also, I don’t regularly shop there so check out her blog for all the details on the latest deals!
Check out Centsible Sawyer’s Drugstore Divas for more Show & Tell.
ah, it’s okay. I’m going to do a review on it later! :)
Brianas last blog post..Winner of $25 Amazon Gift Certificate is….
Haven’t tried it yet! I think I’m going to try it out as soon as I get off the computer! my feet def need it after playing soccer all afternoon with the kids & niece & nephews!
Brianas last blog post..CVS Scenarios 8/31 to 9/6
yeah…how ya liking the ped egg?
Jesss last blog post..Cub Foods 8/31/08-9/6/08
Thanks for the linky!! I’m interested on the ped egg too…maybe a review??
Andrea @ Mommy Snackss last blog post..Soul Snack: Then Sings My Soul Saturday
Oh, please let me know what you think of the Ped Egg! I’ve been dying to try one! I haven’t been able to bring myself to spend $10 on it, yet.
Jamies last blog post..Walgreen’s Double Dippin’ Time- Trip #2